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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

NaturalNews: Big Pharma investigated for Obamacare collusion: government + corporations = billion-dollar betrayal‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,

I was up pretty late last night, delivering a 2-hour LIVE event which turned out to be a 3.5-hour live event full of excellent, active questions from all the participants. I want to say THANK YOU to all those who participated.
Many of the questions were about Fukushima fallout and what might be happening in the USA and Canada. To help answer those questions, I've invited nuclear industry expert Arnie Gunderson to be the featured guest when I host the Alex Jones Show this Friday on national radio.
It all starts at 11am central time (12 noon Eastern, 9 am Pacific) and Arnie joins us roughly 30 minutes into the show. You can listen to the entire show at no charge at

The show also features Dr. Len Saputo, who will be discussing holistic methods for radiation protection. This is sure to be one of the best shows I've ever done for Alex, so don't miss it this Friday!

In terms of today's news, Big Pharma giants are under investigation for collusion with government to produce the much-maligned "Obamacare" situation in which we currently find ourselves. Not surprisingly, the whole thing turned out to be little more than a Big Pharma bailout:

One of our radio hosts and article contributors Mike Bundrant is currently in Tokyo, and he has encountered people there who are knowingly consuming highly radioactive food. What's up with that?

Are you trying to get prepared even while on a tight budget? Here's a penny-pincher's guide to preparedness:

And these five powerful herbs boost immune function, making them almost priceless in a crisis:

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