The State of Maine has established a
vehicle for the taxpayers to utilize to obtain information and
documentations pertaining to the operation of the government whether
it is local or state. This vehicle is called the Freedom of Access
Act (FOAA) and is utilized to obtain documents which are Public
Records. These FOAA’s can be used to investigate how your tax
dollars are being spent. I have used these FOAA’s to obtain
critical information to determine the management or mismanagement of
the town of Lisbon.
I have submitted numerous of these
requests to the town of Lisbon and for the most part the town has
provided me the information requested. However, there has been three
occasions now where the town has denied the information and I have
had to seek assistance in obtaining this information. I submitted
two FOAA’s, which were denied, and I had to file a law suit against
the town to obtain this information. In going this route, I had to
pay an attorney to represent me in court and the town of Lisbon had
to pay the Town Attorney, Roger Therriault his legal fees. This was
expensive for me ($3,000.00) and for the town (approximately
$10,000.00). In the end, the judge ruled I was entitled to
this information and the town provided the information to me.
Roger Therriault
The money I was forced to spend, for
information I was entitled to, was well spent. I received an
education into how Attorney Roger Therriault legally steals hard
earned tax dollars from the towns he represents. Therriault provides
bad information to the towns stating the individual is NOT entitled
to the information hoping the individual will take the town to court.
Once this is filed in court, Therriault delays all proceedings as
long as he can. In my two cases, he delayed the proceedings three
times which means he collected his legal fees which are approximately
$150.00 per hour for driving from Bath to Auburn, spending five
minutes in the judge’s chambers and driving back to Bath. This is
all legal but totally unnecessary because Therriault had knowledge I
was entitled to the information all the time. This
is a legal method to steal money from taxpayers.
This is the strategy utilized by the
Town Manager to allow him time to look into the information I was
seeking and try and cover up the mismanagement. In one case, the
town retired three individuals and rehired the same three at the same
salary without the positions being advertised and any other
candidates being considered. In the second case, two of the town’s
outstanding loans were to have been paid off in 2008 and in 2011
these two loans were still outstanding. This clearly reflects
mismanagement on the part of the town and the Chief Administrative
Officer, Eldridge. They can easily spend our tax dollars but have no
interest in ensuring, in these cases, our money is returned.
Stephen G. Eldridge
In both
cases, the judge ordered the town of Lisbon to provide me information
I was entitled to receive. During the town council
workshop of May 15th, 2012, Councilor Vice-Chair Lori Pomelow stated, and I
am quoting from the approved minutes of the workshop, “Councilor Vice-Chair
Pomelow said regarding legal overages, that the people who run up the
bill, we should seek reimbursement from.”… In other words,
because I had to take the town to court in order to receive
information I was always entitled to; I need to reimburse the town
for legal overages. The reason we were in court is because
the town Attorney and the Town Manager do not know what they are
doing; so why should I be compelled to reimburse the town? I believe
this clearly reflects the location of Councilors Pomelow’s head and
it is not on her shoulders. How does the old saying go; “Have your
head up your butt?”.
Vice-Chair Lori Pomelow
Now to get to the
latest incident, I submitted a FOAA requesting information and was
denied. This time, I tried another avenue by asking the State of
Maine, Department of Economic Community Development (DECD) to assist
me. The DECD contacted and met with the
town and it was determined I was entitled to the information
requested. The town
provided the information to me at no additional legal fees or cost to
the town and myself. Again, Therriault providing bad information
and the town manager did not want to provide information taxpayers
are entitled too. As it turns out, the town is currently missing
required documents. This is yet another example of mismanagement by
our Chief Administrative Officer. Is not the job of taxpayers
to bring this information to light.
How long
are we going to continue to put up with this behavior at $85,000.00 (Town
Manager’s salary) of our taxpayer dollars? Don’t we deserve
better? Why does any taxpayer have to go to these lengths to obtain
information they are entitled to by the law?
Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen
Other than to say thank you for your hard work and providing the information, Post-able comments escape me ...
Larry, I just want to say Thank You for all that you have done to bring the true facts out for the people to digest.
One thing is for sure, Yah just can't fix stupid, so to all, pay your taxes and keep your mouths shut. Enjoy what you have so diligently sat on the sidelines to support.
Lisbon is a culture of corruption unlike any other town in Maine because they have had a 30 year Police Career Criminal flying cover for them. Need I have to remind the Good Citizens in Lisbon, The same ones that were so unwilling to challenge Crafts cousin Gina Mason in her bid for reelection to Lisbon's Corrupt Town council, that you have all been used and abused. Remember the MOLD HOUSE on WOODLAND Avenue, Where, Then Town Manager, Kurt Lunt and, Tax Assessor Gerry Sampson, Along with Town Nurse, Janet Stenberg, RN, assured the residents that the Mold House was Not a Problem.
HELLLO,,, Dumb as is Dumb Does.
Now shut the hell up and pay your exuberant tax bills for WHAT? YOU still have to rent a place for High School graduation ceremonies. Corruption is the NORM in LISBON and you are all nit-picking over a some monies for the Public Library which was the first thing the Town Manager proposed to cut.
Ya Just K'ant Fix Stupid.
Signed, with all the intent implied,
Todd Comber
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