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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hey Lisbon Residents: Last Chance for this year‏


This Tuesday evening June 5th, 2012 will be the last chance for the residents of Lisbon to voice their opinions pertaining to this year’s municipal budget. The town council is going to vote on the 2012-2013 budget and more important; how much your taxes are going to go up!

I understand the track record of this council for listening to the people is less than nothing, if that is possible, but the citizens need to come out Tuesday and voice your concerns. On May 8th at the Public Hearing residents voiced their concerns about the pay increase for town employees. Everyone who spoke was against any pay raise and yet it is still in this years’ budget. Why?

I am now going to show you how very phony Bowie and the council are. At the last budget workshop on May 29, 2012, Bowie suggested placing the funds (wage increase) into the insurance line since it has not been decided upon what amount is to be given, and that it be given as a lump sum. This is exactly how these phonies hid our money. The master of crocked is Bowie. This can only be described as a deliberate attempt to conceal funds from the people. The people spoke and said no wage increase and yet Bowie (his wife works for the town and this wage increase has a direct effect on the family income) ignored the peoples desires and hides the wage increase in another line item. Of course, there is no conflict of interest here!!!!!!

Chairman LaRochelle requested a straw poll vote on the following budget items to be determined by a majority vote: 1)to leave $4,000 in the Elected Officials line for performance management training, 2)make the wage increase a lump sum saving $8,000, 3)move the wage increase amount into the insurance line allowing council to move forward with negotiations, 4)subtract $5,000 from paving, 5)add $5,000 more in Contingency, and 6) to finish paying the 5 individuals the wage adjustment. (See Minutes of May 29, 2012 Workshop)

This year the State Revenue Sharing was increased by $65,000. This means the town of Lisbon will receive $65,000 dollars more than last year from the state. So here is the big question, “If we receive $65,000 more dollars from the state why are our taxes going up? The only reason possible is the town council is spending more than last year.

Is this what the people of Lisbon asked for? I think not, so if you care about your taxes come out on Tuesday and voice your concerns. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE BEFORE YOU GET YOUR TAX BILL WHICH IS GOING TO GO UP!!!!!!!!!
Waiting until you get your tax bill will be too late!!!!!!!!!

There is no excuse for this irresponsible behavior by the Town Council.

VOTE THEM OUT IN NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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