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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lisbon, Your Taxes Are Going Up, Again: RECAP TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – JUNE 5TH 2012


At last night’s Town Council meeting it was business as usual. Vice-Chair Lori Pomelow filled in for Chairman LaRochelle. This was an important meeting because on the agenda was the 2012-2013 municipal budget. Since the people of Lisbon do not have the opportunity to vote on the municipal budget, this was the last opportunity for the citizens to voice their concerns on the budget. As usual, no one other than the regular individuals showed up to speak.

During Audience Participation, the town manager stated the wage increase was still in the budget. According to Eldridge, the wage increase is in the appropriate line items but according to the minutes of the last workshop the wage increase was placed under the Insurance Line. The Planner was still in the budget as well and five department heads receiving a $10,000 dollars wage increase left over from last year.

The Advisory Board recommended unanimously not approving the budget. Councilor Bowie tried to put the Advisory Board on the spot and asked what they would recommend and the only thing they could come up with was a reduction of 10% across the board. It is no wonder the Advisory Board could not come up with any more recommendations because there is so much money hidden in the budget and the council moved monies around so much and so fast no one could keep up with it. It was and always will be the old slide of hand trick.

The Council minus Council Mason voted in favor of the municipal budget which generates a 1.41 mil increase in your taxes. This equates to roughly $150.00 – 200.00 dollars per $100,000 valuations. IN OTHER WORDS YOUR TAXES ARE GOING TO GO UP AGAIN. I want to commend Councilor Mason for having the courage to vote what is right for the town and people of Lisbon. This was the first time I have witnessed Councilor Mason do what I believe is best for the community. The rest of the council were good little puppets and did what they were told. So when you receive your tax bill this year, do not come running to the town office to complain because it is now too late.

It is totally disgraceful to receive $65,000 dollars more from the state in revenue this year than last year and end up paying higher taxes because of a council whose spending is out of hand. The town included approximately $50,000 tax dollar for Professional Development. If employees do not know how to perform their duties then why are they still employed? The town employees are very well trained, as attributed by the recognitions they have received, so why are we spending additional tax dollars in this area? The same thing applies to Professional Services. There are a few incidents where this is required by a few individuals in the Fire Department, Police Department, Code Enforcement, Public Works and a few other positions but not the entire work force. This council has demonstrated nothing but irresponsible spending with this budget. Approving wage increases for Department Heads whose salaries is already over $166,000 dollars more than their counterparts in Skowhegan, is nothing more than misappropriations of your tax dollars.

Scott Benson presented a Community Development Block Grant request for 4 computers and a consultant to be utilized by the Library for the purpose of assisting residents in jobs/career enhancement. If approved by the state, residents can go to the Library and receive assistance filling out job application, resume and cover letter writing and search for jobs. The town would be responsible for maintaining the four computers and the consultant would educate the current Library staff during this year and then the Library staff would take over the responsibility of assisting residents. The Council voted unanimously to submit this grant request to the state.

Cindy Patterson provided a briefing on the Safe Voices Rural Outreach Advocates program. She also provided the town with brochures and pamphlets outlining the programs and how to get assistance.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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