During the last town council meeting, there was an agenda item called Revolving Loan Fund Application. However, there was no application attached as agenda document and rightfully so because an application requires the individual to divulge a lot of sensitive information that no one really has a need to know. But along the same line, the town has an obligation to the citizens of Lisbon to inform the public how the town council is spending town monies. Without providing the citizens any “service information” pertaining to the loan applicant, there should have been some information pertaining to the loan because the public was entitled to know in order to ask questions or provide comments during Audience Participation.
But instead there was no information available to the Public and the loan was discussed in “Executive Session” and then the Public was provided the following information. The town council approved a $100,000.00 loan to Harvey Metal for five (5) years at 5%. If the town was able to provide this information after approving the loan in “Executive Session” then the Public should have been informed of what was going on in order to provide input. Again, how can the citizens partner with the Town Council in the decision making process which is part of Lisbon’s Mission Statement.
By not informing the citizens of what is specifically being discussed in “Executive Session” is an abuse of the executive privilege.
The truth of the matter is this town council has absolutely no intentions of involving the people as partners in the decision making process. Look at their track record, the people stated very clear and emphatically there should be no pay raises in this year’s budget and yet Bowie and the puppets left it in the budget and voted to approve the wage increases.
In order to correct this situation and try and get Lisbon back on track, the people need to vote Bowie, Pomelow and Lunt out of office in November.
Larry Fillmore
Concerned citizen
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