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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lisbon Should Be Considering The Consolidation of the Police Department with County Sheriff‏


The Town Council claims to be looking for ways to save money and reduce our taxes.  However, they refuse to look into the possibility of changing from our current police department into having the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s department take over their duties.  

This year’s approved budget for the Police Department totaled $943,132.00 tax dollars, according to the June 5, 2012 town council minutes.  I believe if this council was to perform a cost analysis of this plan; they will find the County can provide the same service for approximately 2/3 the amount we are currently spending.  Our police officers would be consolidated into the county sheriff’s department.

Now, let’s look at the Lisbon Communication Center.  The 2012-2013 approved budgets were for $227,066.00 tax dollars, according to the June 5, 2012 council minutes.  According to the County Commissioners, Lisbon’s cost would be prorated by the amount of service provided.  You do realize the taxpayers of Lisbon currently are paying a County Tax of $566,440.00 for which the town receives little if any services.  This County Tax will help pay for the cost to the County for dispatch services. 

Think of it this way, every 911 call is received, whether received on a land line or cell phone, first goes through Lewiston/Auburn 911 or the Androscoggin County Dispatch center prior to arriving at the Lisbon Communication Center.  By utilizing either Lewiston/Auburn 911 or Androscoggin County Dispatch, the citizens of Lisbon would be eliminating the middle step.  In a life or death situation, seconds may make the difference between life and death.  I believe it is critical to provide our citizens every chance to survive a critical situation where life and death hang in the balance.

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks

In my opinion, Chief Brooks is more interested in building an empire than doing what is right for the citizens of Lisbon.  The facts, speak for themselves.  What is the value of a human life and what are you willing to do to protect it.  The Damariscotta selectman will vote on the Lincoln County Sheriff’s department proposal (See the article in the Portland Press Herald).  Other towns, throughout the country, are finding this is one option to consider saving taxpayers’ dollars.  Lisbon town council, on the other hand, is not willing to consider this as a viable option so the taxpayers have to suffer the consequences.

This is a great deal of tax dollars involved and the savings could be substantial but the taxpayers of Lisbon will never know.  Instead, the town is proposing to put the Water Department under the town.  Currently, the Water Department follows under the guidance of the Public Utility Commission (PUC).  Lisbon has the 28th lowest water rate in the State of Maine.  What more do you want?

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen  

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