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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How Will Lisbon Legally Overcome Their Illegal Business Problem On The Route 9 Corridor? Inquiring Minds Are Wanting To Know!!!!!


The town's Planning Board are asking the wrong questions. Instead of trying to legitimize these illegal businesses, think about how this situation was created.

First, these business owners' were well aware of the town ordinances not allowing these businesses in Rural Open Space 1.

Second, the town notified some, if not all of these businesses, in writing of the violations of the town ordinances and these business owners' chose to ignore the town. 

Next, these business owners' chose to operate these businesses knowing fully well they were in violation of town ordinances. Some business owners spent additional monies to improve their businesses, again by their choice. Every one of these business owners had a choice to comply with the town ordinances or run the risk of being shut down at any time. These business owners' chose their own fate. These businesses must be shut down in compliance with the town ordinances. These business owners ran the risk and have profited from their choices but now it is time for the town to force them to comply with the town ordinances.

Think about it this way. Which side of the fence is the town going to be on when this goes to court because it certainly is going to court? Either the illegal businesses owners are going to take the town to court for shutting them down or the business owners who complied with the town ordinance and shut their businesses down are going to sue the town for discrimination. Either way the town will definitely end up in court; so which side does the Planning Board want to be on????

The right solution is to move as many businesses as possible into a zone where they can operate their businesses legally. Try to move them into town owned buildings, where the town can offer these illegal business owners a deal; because the town is responsible for this situation by not enforcing our town ordinance immediately. 

Second, the town could offer these illegal business owners loans under the Revolving Loan Funds to help ease the additional costs but remember the decision has always been the illegal business owners.

The right question is which side of the fence is the town going to be on in court?


This Planning Board must remember they represent the ENTIRE town and not just their friends on Route 9. The entire town voted on the Comprehensive Plan and their vision for the town should not be distorted just to please a few people.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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