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Monday, August 13, 2012

How Your Government Steals From You, Locally, State, and Nationally: BrasscheckTV: Privatized eminent domain‏

Lisbon,  You All Need to "wake up"
Thanks to an epically corrupt state
Energy companies have succeeded
in turning one state in the US
into the legal equivalent of a
Third World colony.'s not Louisiana and it's
not West Virginia.
The answer may surprise you.
- Brasscheck

Privatized eminent domain on steroids
Government sanctioned robbery 

Energy companies turn NY into a Third World colony
with the help of the most corrupt state government in US 

The most corrupt state in the union?

That's a tough one, but with Andrew Cuomo as governor, New York is right up there.

Cuomo wants to prevent the state's chief auditor from reviewing the terms of major state contracts before they're signed.

He's deeply in bed with Wall Street.

And he is presiding over the single most outrageous screwing of property owners by energy companies anywhere in the US and the entire developed world. You literally have to go to Africa or South America to find laws this bad. But Governor Cuomo sees no evil.

Please send this video to friends in New York and to the asleep-at-the-wheel news media that has let this travesty slip by.

For more Government corruption videos, click here
Think about  the controversial items on the table of discussion now in Maine!
Wake Up before it is too late and get involved!
You all have a duty to your offspring to do the right thing and that isn't 'sitting home on the couch', Right Govnah?

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