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Sunday, September 9, 2012

NaturalNews: Children in danger from exposure to common chemicals (plus other news)‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Chlidren are endangered by exposure to common chemicals, say new studies. Here's what scientists found:

Gross! Chinese pharmaceutical companies use "gutter oil" to manufacture antibiotics:

Here are seven ways that ginger can spice up your life!

Looking for a solution for gout? You need to read this:

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Children in danger from exposure to common chemicals, new studies confirm
(NaturalNews) Although the mainstream medical establishment and the FDA frequently warn against the supposed dangers of alternative health treatments and supplements, they hardly ever mention the perfectly legal and widely used chemical poisons that enter...

Pfizer faces $1 billion charge in bogus patent dispute over blood pressure medication Norvasc
(NaturalNews) Several years ago, drug giant Pfizer Inc. tried to pull a fast one in Jamaica where several local companies were legally distributing generic versions of Pfizer's formerly-patented blood pressure drug Norvasc (Amlodipine). Though the drug...

Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturers caught using 'gutter oil' to make antibiotics
(NaturalNews) As China continues to rise as the new Asian powerhouse, there has been a steady stream of reports which have detailed the country's staggering lack of standards when it comes to producing manufactured goods, so it was only mildly shocking...

NYT disinfo assault on organics only makes the media look completely out of touch with reality
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media's misinformation blitz following the recent release of the infamous Stanford University organic food study has sunk to an incredible new low. Based on his own misguided delusions of what the study actually concluded...

Sticky-fingered thieves rob warehouse holding $30 million worth of maple syrup, already struggling industry takes hit
(NaturalNews) Unidentified bandits have snatched millions of dollars' worth of maple syrup from the global strategic maple reserve near Montreal, Quebec, according to new reports. The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers (FQMSP) says one...

Seven ways that taking ginger can spice up your health
(NaturalNews) Cultivated and used medicinally for thousands of years all around the world, ginger root is a powerful medicinal herb that offers a variety of unique health benefits. When taken regularly in therapeutic doses, ginger root can effectively...

Solutions for gout
(NaturalNews) Gout is a very painful form of arthritis that usually attacks the big toe and can spread to the insteps, ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers or elbows. Gout occurs when an excessive buildup of uric acid in the body forms painful crystals...

Health Basics - Artificial food is really a taste of chemotherapy
(NaturalNews) Imagine for a moment you are standing next to a scientist in a laboratory where hundreds of processed foods, food additives and food colorings are made, and there are a lot of vials full of colorful liquids, and there are containers with...

More than just a gut feeling - How mood and emotions are influenced by the 'second brain'
(NaturalNews) Attitude and outlook may not all be in the head. Researchers have found that the gut can function like a second brain -- influencing the nervous system and behavior. High fat intake has been shown to affect this gastrointestinal nervous...

Gargoyle-like winged poodle moth is a real creature, say scientists
(NaturalNews) A movie called The Mothman Prophecies had a moderately successful box office run in 2002. It's considered a psychological horror/thriller, very loosely based on a 1975 book of paranormal events of the same name by parapsychologist...

Six foods for a happy belly
(NaturalNews) What is a happy belly? Well, an unhappy belly will produce flatulence, bloating, nausea, cramps, and so called heartburn. You should be able to digest foods without any hassles, providing you don't overeat. That's a happy belly. Considering...

Trick or treat? Eating pumpkin is a treat for everything from your eyeballs to your weekly weigh-in
(NaturalNews) An indigenous vegetable native to North America, pumpkins not only play a roll as jack-o-lanterns on Halloween and fillings for Thanksgiving pies -- they also provide a wide range of healthy benefits, making them a perfect food to incorporate...

This form of fitness promotes anti-aging characteristics
(NaturalNews) Our physical bodies were made for movement. Movement is a necessary way of life for healthy bodily function. Properly performed exercise can stimulate metabolic functions within the body that powerfully promote anti-aging characteristics...

Research uncovers whole foods method of defending against protein loss from a hard workout
(NaturalNews) There is a widespread perception that since it is muscle that is being challenged during a workout, and muscle is made of protein, protein is what muscle needs to repair and protect itself. A recent research study investigated the efficacy...

The milk of the kao
(NaturalNews) The other day I'm sitting with a bunch of Hawaiian guys and we're just talking story. While doing so, a Kahuna (Hawaiian for wise man or Shaman) comes by. So, we get into a conversation about the initial contacts between the western world...

Life-long vegans show no sign of anticipated deficiencies
(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A study of the bone health of long term vegan women showed density that surprised many western physicians. Comparing the bones of over two hundred vegan and non-vegan women, researchers were caught off-guard by the finding...

Busted! Co-author of Stanford study that bashed organics found to have deep ties to Big Tobacco's anti-science propaganda
(NaturalNews) (This article is jointly authored by Mike Adams of and Anthony Gucciardi of Over the last several days, the mainstream media has fallen for an elaborate scientific...

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