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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Disclaimer: Election 2012 is too important not to Re-Post these articles. Thank you and Good Luck to all!


The Lisbon Reporter is not supporting any candidate but has learned that the following candidates’ names do not appear on the ballot.  The Lisbon Reporter sole purpose is to keep Lisbon citizens informed.


Larry Allen Fillmore

Amy M. Dudar

Stanley Arthur Doughty Jr

***It is important to fill in the oval next to the write-in candidates name or your vote will not count***


I believe it is time to bring Roger Cote back as Councilor-At-Large.  I am not taking anything away from the other two candidates Gregg Garrison or Eric Metivier.  I also am not trying to tell anyone how to vote.  I am expressing my own opinion about this election.

Roger Cote served on the Town Council for three years and during this time frame he always put the desires of the people before his own feelings.  Mr. Cote spoke out against the council several times and was definitely not a puppet.  This council has repeatedly ignored the wishes of the people.  I believe Mr. Cote will continue to work hard to get the people what they want.

Right now, the council ignores the people and never answered any of my questions during council meetings.  My research has uncovered continued misappropriations of our tax dollars.  In my opinion, Roger Cote will put a stop to this abuse of our tax dollars which caused our tax increase this year. 

Mr. Cote worked with Mr. Mark Lunt in the past without any problems.  I think Mr. Cote will be able to work with whichever current candidate wins District #2.  Also, without Councilor Bowie manipulating the council there will be an opportunity for positive change in this community. 

For the above cited reasons, I will be writing-in Mr. Roger Joseph Cote’s name as Council-At-Large on November 6th.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

First letter to the residences of Lisbon:

I, William Bauer, find it necessary to approach the town’s residents with some simple clear-cut facts about The Lisbon Water Department and the attempt of the town to take over this department.  I have served you the people of Lisbon, in the capacity of Water Commissioner, for over 35 years with your best interest at heart, without a self-serving or political purpose in mind.   For your trust in me, I say Thank You!! 

I am going to try to give the residents some facts through a series of presentations in this forum so that you may make a knowledgeable vote on Nov 6.   The sole purpose of the Lisbon Water Department is to be able to put all of our efforts into protecting your water and keeping you completely informed of any and all changes that might effort your water quality or efficiency.  We are capable of making mistakes and are far from being perfect.  We do however; attempt to make corrections and/or improvements in a timely and effective manor.  Case in point Mr. Adams and the Board are currently working on a new water tank and the replacement of the water line on Frost Hill Ave.  

I am all for operating as efficiently as possible and would vote for this takeover if I thought it would lower the water rates and save money, I believe it will not and could possibly increase the rates.  The facts are that out of 150 public and private water companies in the State of Maine there are 130 with higher water rates than Lisbon.  This information is available on the PUC web page although it has not been updated since last year.

On Tuesday, August 28 the Town Council held a workshop.  This was not a workshop with open dialogue between all parties concerned.   Mr. Wells and myself had to ask to speak.  The Council then took a straw vote to have a nonbinding question on the ballot Nov 6th to have the town take over the Lisbon Water Department.  This causes several questions and concerns for me.  This vote, if approved, will be the first step in turning all control over to the town.  The question will be placed on the ballot as a result of Councilor Bickford’s un-official survey.   The big push on his survey is trying to save money through combining of services.  Some of the councilors did say at the workshop that they were not sure if any money could be saved by the takeover of the Lisbon Water Department.  I made the suggestion that a small committee made up of 2 councilors, 2 members of the water board, and 3 residents, get together to solve some of the differences that appear to be problem areas.  I will add that as of October 1, 2012 more than a month later I have not received any contact about talking about any issues.

If the town vote is yes there are several steps that need to be taken.  The council will need to vote to have a State representatives, Councilor Crafts, or Senator Mason sponsor a bill to amend the Charter of the Lisbon Water Department to be run by the Town Council.  The Water Charter dates back to 1909.  There were some charter changes made in the mid ”50s” I will talk about those changes prior to the November 6 vote, as they are very important.

Every Town Manger since my Dad’s tenure has attempted to take over the Water Department.    This scares me on many levels.  One of which is the fact that it seems to be based on a political agenda and a personal vendetta rather than an honest attempt to improve the service to the residents.  I also believe that it is a way to pass additional municipal cost on to water customers.  I left the workshop that the Town called to discuss the takeover of the Water Department with feelings of dismay and confusion.

Questions: call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020 or better yet come to a water board meeting.  I will discuss other issues in my next letter. 

 William A. Bauer, Chairman

My Second letter to the residences of Lisbon:
In Councilor Bickford’s unofficial survey he made it sound that if the Council takes over the Lisbon Water Department the council would be able to lower the fire protection charges.  This is far from true; the Maine Public Utilities must approve the rates.  When a water utility seeks a rate increase, the utility will have an audit for financial information along with reasoning on why additional rates are needed.  The findings are presented to the Maine Public Utilities Commission and the P.U.C. will approve or disapprove the rates for a water utility.  The P.U.C. has established a formula for how utilities gain their revenue.  Without getting too complex a third should come from residential, a third fire protection, and a third from industrial/commercial.  Lisbon’s 2011 revenues came from the following:  residential, $478,850, fire protection, $290,857, commercial $57,067, other $97,862 for a total revenue of $924,634.

Information taken from the 2011 independent audit and reported to the Maine Public Utilities.
It is important that Lisbon residents realize that the Board of Water Commissioners does not set the water rates.  It is the job of the Water Commissioners to determine the projects and then try to fund those projects with current revenue or ask for a rate increase.  The residents and the Maine Public Utilities Commission must approve projects and funding.  There can be a citizen petition to have the increase held up for a more through investigation.     
The Lisbon Water Department collected $290,857 in fire for protection services.  This money comes from all of us who pay taxes to the Town of Lisbon.  


  • Maintenance to 37 miles of pipe large enough to provide water to our fire equipment
  • 234 fire hydrants that need to be plowed, painted, flushed and kept in working order.
  • High capacity pumps to push the water into the system
  • Storage tanks with a total of 1,500,000 gallons of water. Cost to paint a tank $200,000.
  • The board is seeking permission to add a third tank with an estimated cost of $1,400,000
  • Electrical charges of $2,500.00 per month

 I would like to address the proposal of closing the water department building located at 630 Lisbon Street and relocating those functions to the town office.
The operational costs must be paid for this building such as phone service, heat, electricity, and maintenance.  It is my belief that building would be turned over to public works.  This building is essential towards the operational activities of your water department service.  There are 5 reasons why this building cannot be simply closed: 
1.  There is a valve that blends water from Ann Street well with water from Lisbon.  
2.  There are computer and telemetering controls that determine pumps on and off, water levels in the tanks and provides indication of a water break and various pumping activities.  In the event of a need for more water the system will activate and increase the pumping capacity.
3.  Storage for daily water department equipment trucks and backhoe
4.  Bathroom facilities for the water personnel.  A few years back the water department was asked by public works not to use the facilities at public works. 
5.  This office does provide a location for water and sewer customers to pay their bills in Lisbon Falls, including an after hour drop box.

I ask that when you vote on November 6 to vote no on this question.   Voting yes will not save any money for the water customers or the taxpayers.

Questions call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020 or better yet come to water meeting next meeting October 15 @ 6:30. 
William A. Bauer, Chairman

My Third letter to the residences of Lisbon:

The reason the Town Officials are giving for the take over of the Lisbon Water Department is an attempt to save money for water customers and taxpayers.  There are three areas that the town may feel that they can save money:

1.      The elimination of the stipends paid to the three water commissioners.
2.      The elimination of the part time person for the water department.
3.      The elimination of the salary for the general manager. 

This would total about $70,000 out of a $925,000 budget.  My question is who will perform the duties of the terminated employee’s and elected officials and how much will that cost us?  My thoughts are that this will cost the residents more money than any savings it will generate.   

Here are some facts that the voting public needs to be aware of.  If you have other areas of concern please call me.
The Lisbon Water Department is using Northern Data for its billing program.  The Town uses Trio for its computer billing programs.  The Water Department has found that the customer history is much more beneficial by using Northern Data as its billing program.  This information has been extremely valuable when a customer calls about a high water bill.  If the town takes over does this account history vanish?

The Lisbon Water Department pays for all of its own insurance programs, but does benefit from bulk purchasing through the town.

The water department pays for repairs and parts for all of the vehicles that have been completed by the town garage.  However, the town does not maintain parts for hydrants, meters, the filtration plant, or repair clamps for water mains breaks.  The water department does maintain the inventory of parts for all of these.

The water department provides to the town its water meter readings for sewer billing purposes at no charge to the town.  There are no savings to the town from meter readings.  Other communities are charging sewer departments as much as a $1.00 per reading. 

The Lisbon Water Department maintains the payroll for water department employees.  The information is then provided to the Town of Lisbon and the Town prints the checks.  This amounts to six checks per week for employees and three checks quarterly for the commissioners.  The Lisbon Water Department does maintain it’s own checking account and prepares all of its own checks other than payroll.  The Lisbon Water Department must have the Town Manager or his designated person sign the checks.  This is spelled out very clearly by the charter.  No employee or elected official of the water department may sign any checks issued by the Lisbon Water Department.

The Lisbon Water Department maintains its own debt structure.  These bond payments are paid for from water revenues but the Town of Lisbon guarantees the debt.   The total current long-term debt of the Lisbon Water Department is $3,000,000. 

 NOTE:  $2,000,000 is owed for the filter plant located on Moody Ave (a spill or contamination means we still pay but can’t use this plant).


I ask that when you vote on November 6 to vote NO on this question.  Voting yes will not save any money for the water customers or the taxpayers.

Questions call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020.
William A. Bauer, Chairman

My fourth letter to the residences of Lisbon:

I would like to give the readers a short explanation on who is eligible to work for a Maine water company.  The Maine Drinking Water program has the responsibility of determining who may become a licensed operator and is responsible for assigning licensees.  Water systems are defined through a process of grading points, class I to class IV.  This is true in both treatment and distribution according to the complexity and population.  Lisbon is a class II.  Operators must show competency by successfully completing examinations in both treatment and distribution.  Operators must also possess the appropriate experience.  The state requirement for Lisbon is two years experience in a water company.  An operator must posses the knowledge, skills, ability and judgment to assure safe drinking water.  This is measured through a review of education, experience and examinations.   The Lisbon Water Department has three employees with a class II or higher license and one employee who has a class I and is currently studying for the class II test.  My point to this is that the town does not have any current employees who would meet the requirements to be licensed operators.  Hence, there would be no savings with a takeover by the town!

General Manager
The General Manager’s duties are to supervise the daily activities of all the staff and report to the three elected water commissioners at the bi-monthly meetings.  I think it would be beneficial to mention the chain of command at this point.  The field staff will do what it can to solve any problems/requests.  The next step is to take it to the office staff.  The office staff will then present the problem/request to the general manager.  If the problem/request is still present then the Board of Water Commissioners will ask the person to attend a meeting.  If the problem/request still has not been resolved the final decision falls with the Maine Public Utilities Commission.   So for complaints or concerns you should come to the water department not the town manager or council member.

The Water Commissioners are elected for a three-year term; their terms do not run concurrently.  Therefore, there is one commissioner on the ballot every year.  The water commissioner’s sole responsibility is to the customers and the water supply that serves the Town of Lisbon.   I feel that the present board works very well to keep your water supply safe.

I would like to ask you to write in the name of Stanley Arthur Doughty Jr. for re-election to the water board.

Remember voting yes will not cut your water bill or lower your taxes.  Therefore, I am asking for your support of the current Water Department as it stands by voting NO.

Questions call me at home 353-2780 or cell 576-2438 office 353-3020.
William A. Bauer, Chairman


Has anyone given any thought to why the Town Council is doing away with the Budget Advisory Board and establishing a Finance Committee?  Could it be because the Budget Advisory Board recommended unanimously not to support last year’s councilor’s budget?  It certainly would explain why instead of adding these additional duties to the current Budget Advisory Board; the council wants to select (you mean hand pick) individuals whose loyalty is to the council and NOT the people of Lisbon.

These additional duties are what the taxpayers have been paying the town manager ($91,401 in 2011) as part of his duties.   For the past four years, tax dollars have been spent on the town manager’s salary and he has not been performing any of his responsibilities.  Let’s look at the Economic Community Development Department as a prime example.  The two areas where town funds provided by the state and federal government and our tax dollars are being utilized are the Revolving Loan Fund and the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program.  My research has shown there are outstanding loans which should have been paid off in 2008 still outstanding; one loan should have been paid off in September 2011 and finally two businesses have been out of business for longer than a year.  How it possible is; that this goes unnoticed for so long if he is doing his duty?  The same thing applies to the TIF program because I requested a copy all of the Credit Enhancement Agreements (CEA) for the town’s state approved TIF’s.  At first the town denied my Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) stating I was not entitled to them; but once the state educated our town manager, town attorney and the town Director of the Economic Community Development Department, I received only four of the five active CEA’s.  Also, only the Director apologizing for the town’s error!  One of the CEAs was signed by the current town manager with an effective date of April 1, 2004.  It certainly is strange how a legal and binding document can be signed four years prior to the current town manager arriving to Lisbon.  I wonder how legal these document will be in a court.  The fifth CEA arrived approximately ten days later signed by the current town manager with an effective date of December 16th, 2002.  This is only six years before the current town manager arrived.  This means for the past four years, this town manager had no clue the town was missing these critical documents.  Why are we paying this town manager to do what exactly?  In the Army we have a saying for this type of performance, it is called being on the ROADs program (Retired On Active Duty); get it.

Now to further cover up the incompetency of the town manager, this council is going to establish a Finance Committee.  Keep in mind, this Finance Committee is ONLY GOING TO BE ADVISORY just like the current Budget Advisory Board.  So please tell me again why we are doing this except to punish the current Budget Advisory Board for not support last year’s councilor’s budget and trying to get hand selected individuals who will be loyal ONLY to the council.

Of course, this is cheat labor because the Budget Advisory Board and now the Finance Committee are not paid for their time and effort!!!!!!!!!!!!

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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