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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NaturalNews: How the federal government killed 'boy genius' Aaron Swartz‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
U.S. federal laws and federal prosecutors are out of control. And now they've driven a "boy genius" internet activist and brilliant innovator to hang himself to avoid going to prison for 50 years for the "crime" of downloading academic papers!
It's true. Here's the incredible story of Aaron Swartz:

Gluten confirmed to cause "wheat belly" weight gain. Here's the latest:

Breaking news: Texas lawmakers to introduce Firearms Protection Act that will result in feds being arrested if they try to implement unconstitutional gun restrictions in the state of Texas:

Also breaking today: New York has just created a psychiatric police state thanks to mafia Gov. Cuomo:

Learn about these 25 muscle-building foods:

How the federal government killed Aaron Swartz
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Did gun thieves use Journal News map to target homes with firearms?
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Pesticides and phthalates top the P.O.P. contaminants list, polluting earth for decades to come
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If WiFi and cell phone radiation are safe, why has Belgium's telecomm boss banned them from his offices?
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Natural flu prevention and natural flu treatment - Flu shot alternatives
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Beyond the emotion, here are the facts: As more guns are sold, violent crime goes down
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Gluten confirmed to cause serious weight gain, or 'wheat belly' - scientific research
(NaturalNews) The case against gluten seems to have been closed with recent research from a Brazilian research team that published a report in the January 2013 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. It seems to have put an exclamation point on the...

Top 25 healthy muscle building foods
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How to fix your digestion without prescription drugs
(NaturalNews) It is estimated that as many as one out of every three Americans suffers from some type of digestive disorder, whether it be occasional gas or bloating, or something more severe like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or chronic diarrhea....

Systematic desensitization and Big Pharma
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Married people are less likely to die in middle age
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Psychiatrists and prostitutes: 5 sad similarities
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Breaking news: Texas lawmakers to introduce law threatening felony arrest of any feds who attempt to enforce Obama's gun control orders
(NaturalNews) Texas state Rep. Steve Toth has just announced his intention to introduce a "Firearms Protection Act" into law which would make it a felony crime for anyone, including federal agents, to enforce Obama's anticipated gun control executive...

Breaking: New York creates psychiatric police state
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Flu pandemic got you concerned? Powerful home remedies available now at the Natural News store
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