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Thursday, February 14, 2013

BrasscheckTV: This is one battle we must win‏

This is going to be a longer
e-mail than normal, so you
can cut to the chase right

The Gun Control Act of 1968 kicked off a frenzy of new US gun laws... Here´s the secret history behind the timing.

The Secret History of Guns and
the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s

At the risk of continuing to
aggravate the anti private gun
ownership folks, some points
that I urge you to consider:
1. Yes, it's unfortunate that
such potent weapons of
destruction exist. 
But they do and they're
not going anywhere. 
The ONLY thing that
laws against private
ownership of firearms
are going to insure is 
that the only private
individuals who have 
guns will be criminals. 
They will have no problem
whatsoever getting their
hands on all the guns
they want just as there
is no problem getting
getting tons of drugs
into the US and distributing
them all over the nation.
2. Yes, people commit
suicide with guns. 
They also use rope, 
pharmaceuticals, carbon
monoxide and automobiles. 
Do we also ban these items
as well? 
3. There are many
law abiding people
who depend on firearms
for their safety and
a. People who live far
from any kind of police
service or neighbors
b. The handicapped
and elderly who are
the preferred victims
of criminal  predators
c. Any person who
provides what seems
to be an easy target
to criminals: women
living alone, single
women with children,
and others. 
Do you really want to
be the person to tell
these people "Tough
luck. Call 911 and hope
for the best."?
Finally, look at history.
Historically, guns have 
been registered for one 
reason only: to make them 
easier to seize later.
Ending private ownership
of firearms is one of
the #1 issues for tyrants:
The biggest genocides
in history -  Germany, Russia, 
China, Cambodia, Armenia - 
were all preceded by taking
guns away from private
Look at US history. 
There have been only 
three majors waves
of gun control laws in
1. The British wanted
to disarm colonists and
make firearms the sole
province of the British
military and other
agents of the Empire. 
2. After the Civil War, 
the very same people 
who brought you the
Klu Klux Klan instituted
a wave of laws that banned
blacks from owning
3. The current wave
of gun control laws
started in the mid 1960s. 
What kicked off the
explosion of modern
"gun control" propaganda 
in the US?
You may be more than
a little surprised by 
the answer
As George Seldes said
"even the gods can't
change history." 
- Brasscheck

The real reason for modern gun control
The Gun Control Act of 1968 kicked off a frenzy of new US gun laws... Here´s the secret history behind the timing.

The first gun laws restricting private citizens where dictated by the British Empire against American colonists. The Empire wanted only the military to have weapons of self defense.

The next wave of anti guns laws in the US took place after slavery was abolished. The laws, passed by Southern legislatures, prohibited Afro-Americans from owning firearms.

The next big wave of anti gun laws, which we are still in the middle of, started in the mid 1960s.


Yes, we had a number of assassinations, but they´ve been proven to be government conspiracies (JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, etc.)

The hysteria against private gun ownership begin when Afro-Americans started using firearms to protect their civil rights.

That´s the history behind these laws.


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