According with today’s article in the Sun Journal by Paula
Gibbs, there appears to be a continuing problem in the MTM center. There have been complaints from taxpayers
that doors and windows have been left open in the winter heating the outdoors
and costing the taxpayers more money in heating bills.
This problem was identified years ago and the Town Council
took action and awarded a contract to Siemens.
The article indicates that according to Town Manager Eldridge the
contract was only to identify the problems and not fix it. The problem appears to be with valves and the
furnace but Siemens has not provided an estimate to correct the situation
Lisbon Town Council Chairman Fern Larochelle
But the most disturbing comment came from MTM Board of
Directors Chairman Gordon Curtis when he said and I quote “There was a contract
awarded to Siemens, but I was told today there’s no money left.” The town carried forward over a million
dollars on August 21, 2012 so I hope Mr. Curtis is talking about the contract
and not the town.
With an approved budget plus over a millions dollars carried
forward, this town should have plenty of money available to take care of this
problem without raising the fees at the MTM center. The MTM center is a profit making facility
and supports our elderly. This is apparent
by 90 people who attended the senior luncheon last week. Any thoughts by the council or the town
manager to shut down the MTM center would be a disgrace and an injustice to the
residents of Lisbon.
Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen
No fix yet for Lisbon community building heating problem
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
LISBON — Complaints from taxpayers that doors at the town’s community center are being propped open in midwinter prompted members of the Town Council to try to get to the source of the problem Tuesday night.
The MTM Center, originally built as a school in the 1950s, has a heating system that overheats some rooms, leaving hallways and other rooms too cool, MTM Board of Directors Chairman Gordon Curtis told the council.
Curtis was one of several committee chairmen who met with the council to update them on what’s happening in their areas.
“Our biggest problem is the heat,” Curtis said. “We can’t seem to get it fixed. I don’t know if it’s a circulator issue or not, but we have one zone that we have no control over. Some people are saying we should shut it down."
Read the rest of the story HERE:
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