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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Governor LePage Offers Ultimatum; The Maine Wire: “LePage to Democrats: I’ll give up my pension if you pay the hospitals” plus 6 more

  Click on headline(s) to read the rest of the story.

LePage to Democrats: I’ll give up my pension if you pay the hospitals
Posted: 27 Mar 2013 03:30 PM PDT
AUGUSTA – Republican Gov. Paul R. LePage said Wednesday via Twitter that he would give up his pension if Democratic leaders in Augusta would simply agree to his proposal to repay Maine’s hospitals with revenue from the liquor contract. The Governor, who is enjoying his yearly vacation in Jamaica, offered the deal in response to [...]

House GOP: Democrats Deliver Another Blow to Job Creation in Maine
Posted: 27 Mar 2013 12:05 PM PDT
From the House Republican Office: AUGUSTA – Well, there they go again.  Yesterday, Democrats were telling parents that their kids couldn’t go tanning.  Now, they’re telling struggling small business owners that the wages they offer aren’t good enough. The House this morning voted to advance a bill to further control the wages Maine employers may [...]

Report: Maine’s Majority Founder Quits
Posted: 27 Mar 2013 11:36 AM PDT
PORTLAND – The Portland Phoenix’s Jeff Inglis is reporting that Chris Korzen, the man behind, has quit the Portland-based non-profit group he started. “Not sure who’s empowered to accept his resignation, but it’s as clear as day: Chris Korzen is leaving the Maine’s Majority group he founded,” Inglis wrote in a story on Tuesday [...]

VIDEO: Bruce Poliquin on Hospital Debt
Posted: 27 Mar 2013 10:25 AM PDT
Republican leader and former State Treasurer Bruce Poliquin on Wednesday released a new two-minute video that succinctly explains Maine’s hospital debt predicament and why paying Maine’s bills is the right thing to do. In the video, Poliquin explains how the state managed to accumulate $484 million in unpaid hospital bills and discusses Gov. Paul LePage’s [...]

Maine GOP: Democratic Lawmakers’ Petty Attacks Show Missing Priorities
Posted: 27 Mar 2013 08:14 AM PDT
AUGUSTA – Maine GOP Chairman Richard M. Cebra said Wednesday that Democratic lawmakers are falling short of lofty campaign promises and are instead resorting to petty, personal attacks on Republicans. The Maine Republican Party released a statement  highlighting what it believes is mounting evidence that Democratic Party is more concerned with pet issues and personal [...]

Lawmakers Ponder Amazon Tax
Posted: 27 Mar 2013 07:14 AM PDT
Lawmakers on Tuesday considered two items of legislation that would force businesses to collect sales and use taxes on goods sold into Maine over the Internet. L.D. 346, An Act to Require the Collection of Sales Tax by Any Business Making Sales to Persons in Maine, was introduced by Rep. L. Gary Knight (R-Livermore Falls), [...]

Democrats Balk At School Safety Bill
Posted: 27 Mar 2013 07:04 AM PDT
Democratic leaders in Augusta are using unorthodox parliamentary tricks to prevent the Legislature from considering a proposal to make Maine’s schools safer. State House sources say Democratic leaders have asked for a fiscal note on a bill to develop safety standards for school access before referring the measure out of committee. Typically, lawmakers ask for [...]

1 comment:

Dot Fitzgerald said...

Politicians are nothing but a bunch of highly paid crooks. Each and every one of them.
Paid by the taxpayers they are supposed to represent.
Each party tries to make you believe the other one is responsible for the problems, when they are ALL responsible. I say, through the whole bunch of them out on their respective a***s and see if they can survive on their own.
Especially the Mills clan!