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Thursday, March 14, 2013

In Lisbon It's Do As We Say Councilors, Never Mind 'We the People' That Voted Us In!!!


 Fern Larochelle, Town Council Chairman

At the last town council meeting, Chairman LaRochelle dropped a bomb on the Public.  Chairman LaRochelle apparently decided to enforce Mrs. Pomelow’s rewrite of the Council Working Rules.  According to the Council Working Rules, no one can introduce any new business or ask any questions about anything not on the agenda.  Chairman LaRochelle apparently is tired of this council’s 'shenanigans' being exposed to the residents of Lisbon.  It is too bad that the Councilors and the Town Manager did not read and adhere to the Mission Statement of the Town of Lisbon.  This is like their oath of office which they totally ignore.

 Lori Pomelow

Their oath of office requires councilors to abide by the United States Constitution, Maine Constitution and Law, and the Charter of the town of Lisbon to include all our ordinances.  Yet, instead of abiding by these; these councilors and town manager totally ignore them.  The council has violated the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution by censuring what the people are allowed to bring out at a council meeting.  Apparently, there is no more freedom of speech in Lisbon.  Mrs. Pomelow eliminated “New Business” in the Council Working Rules so if it is not on the agenda residents cannot bring it up to the council during Audience Participation. Censuring the Public violates everything the councilors swore to uphold.

The town of Lisbon’s Mission Statement was written to ensure the citizens of Lisbon would be an active participant in the governing of Lisbon.  Statements like “We are committed to serving the public, being accountable and conducting ourselves with integrity, honesty and responsibility.”  Now we find that the town manager and Police Chief have lied to the Public.  The Chairman of the town council has tried to confuse the people with half-truths or just flat out lied to the residents of Lisbon.  The Finance Director has repeatedly charged accounts that had nothing to do with the purchase; which I believe is misappropriation of funds.  The town manager has hidden funds throughout the budget in years pass and will continue to do so in order to create a “Slush Fund”.

 Stephen G. Eldridge, Lisbon Town Manager

Now let's look at another statement “We are committed to sharing information with our citizens and including them as partners in the decision making process."  This is without question the biggest joke of all.  I had to sue the town twice to get information the judge said I was entitled too.  I have also had to submit approximately 90 other Freedom of Access Acts (FOAA) to get information which I have also had to pay for.  I have had to call the state in to get information I was entitled too; so tell me again how committed is the town is in sharing information?  By the way, it takes two Priests, a Nun, a Rabbi and the Pope to get any information pertaining to the Revolving Loan Fund Program.  

Now, Chairman LaRochelle has pretty much eliminated the citizens as far as being involved in the decision making process by censuring free speech during Audience Participation at council meetings.  I believe it is necessary to rewrite our town’s mission statement to conform to this council and town managers concept of doing business.  If the residents of Lisbon are involved in the decision making process of the town, it will have to be as a “silent partner” because we have absolutely no say in what is going on.

The town council and town manager conduct 100% of their illegal activities behind closed doors disguised as Executive Sessions.  Maine law requires the town to “indicate the precise nature of the business” being discussed in Executive Sessions.  Statements such as “Personal Matters” and “Economic Development” are not precise nature of the business.  These councilors are snowed by the town manager and they hang on to every word, but those words are false.

I do not believe Chairman LaRochelle, Chief Brooks and Stephen Eldridge have any integrity and honesty.  I know for a fact they do not have the best interest of this community at heart.

Larry Fillmore
We the People

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