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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks, Lies and Misleads His Minions, By Design!!! The Taxpayer's Are Unaware.


On January 25, 2013, I submitted a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) to the town.  The FOAA read “Respectfully request a copy of all Purchase Orders for both Hardware and Software installed or purchased for the Communication Center to include the upgrade software since July 1, 2012.  Please exclude the furniture for the Communication Center.”  On January 30, 2013, I received a letter from the town clerk, Twila, stating “We will work on it as time and staffing permits.”  Over a month has passed and I have not received this information and really do not expect too.  Chief Brooks does not want the people to know the true cost of the Communication Center.

Lisbon Chief of Police David T. Brooks

In a normal town, this information would be easily available by running a computer history on the Communication Center and then making a copy of the Purchase Orders.  There should be no problem identifying the hardware and software purchased for the Communication Center.  However, Chief Brooks does not want the people to know how many tax dollars are being spent on the Communication Center.  The Finance Director has been charging different departments and division for these purchases and therefore cannot identify the purchases.  This is what has caused the delay.

 Lisbon Finance Director Jessica Maloy

Now, think about this “How can the town council make any decision on where to make cuts on the 2013-2014 budget when they are not able to determine how much money has been spent during the previous year?”  This is a major problem for the town councilI do not know if Mrs. Maloy, Finance Director, is doing this on her own or if the town manager is directing but she is falsifying the accounting codes to hide the actual costs of doing business.   

I have reported numerous examples of this phony accounting practice but the one I love the most is the furniture for the Communication Center being charged to General Government/Town Building/Equipment and Public Safety/Police/Police Officer Reimbursement.  Neither one of these lines of accounting have anything to do with the Communication Center.   Remember Chief Brooks lied to the people about a grant and this material was paid with tax dollars.

Another example of stupidity is having Hydrant Rental and Street and Traffic Lights under the Public Works when both of these items have absolutely nothing to do with Public Works.  This has been brought out to the council for the past three years but like everything else they do not listen.  Public Works does not play any role in hydrants or street and traffic lights.  These two line items should be carried under General Government because this pertains to the entire town.  

So why are these two line items under Public Works?  

I believe it is to cover up the true cost of the Police Department.  With these two items under Public Works, the pie chart reflects that Public Works is the most expensive department but without these listed in Public Works; the Police Department would be the most expensive department.  If you go through the proposed budget you will find line items cost for the Police Department scattered in different Departments and Divisions.  This is yet another attempt to reduce the operating cost of the Police Department.  Hiding operating cost for the Police Department is a favorite trick of Chief Brooks. 

How can anyone in their right mind expect to prepare a valid budget when all the information is scattered all over the place? 

 How do you know what needs cutting when no one has recorded the actual cost throughout the previous year? 

 There is no way anyone can deal with trying to do what is right for Lisbon until the Finance Director and town manager start recording cost in the actual Department/Divisions.   

Residents can look for another increase in taxes this year.

Larry Fillmore

Concerned Citizen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry, thanks for trying to get the info that you are entitled to under the freedom of information act. This should be freely given to you at your request. Why isn't the auditor checking for this as accounts that pertain to the purchases must be used. Has Brooks intimidated Jessica Maloy as he blatantly did to a former Finance Director? Has he poked her in the chest and said "do you understand." Street lights, hydrants, etc. are now part of the LPW budget in order to make that infamous pie chart explode expenses in Public Works. These expenses rightly belong as Town expenses and should be coded as such. Brooks really isn't that smart, just extremely devious. That pie chart is on some 3rd grade level.