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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gretchen Hamel,‏

Hi there, 

Are you going to a town hall meeting?
Congress is on recess for the next two weeks, and they’ll be holding town hall events with voters to explain their recent budget votes. 
What’s included in our fact sheet?
Tough questions, like: Are you concerned with the Congressional Budget Office’s assessment that our national debt is and will remain “historically high relative to the economy for the next decade”? 
And fast facts on the consequences of our rising debt and dates for when Medicare and Social Security will become insolvent unless we alter course.
Members of Congress will come armed to events with talking points and fancy charts, so it’s only fair to be equipped with our Fiscal Facts sheet so you can ask your representatives about the consequences of our rising debt and out of control spending.


Gretchen Hamel
Executive Director

Public Notice

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