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Monday, March 11, 2013

Soon to show in a Liberal State near You!!

I am alerting you to a raised bill that is scheduled for a hearing in Hartford on Thursday, March 14, 2013. This 39 page bill has several new restrictions on your ability to choose your tools to defend yourself and your family and place in jeopardy those tools you may also own and will make you a felon for possessing them.
  1. Expands the list of prohibited semi-automatic sporting rifles which has been labeled “assault rifles” by the uninformed.
  2. Further restricts the cosmetic features to the rifle to one instead of two as now defined under the law.
  3. Magazine capacity restrictions which do not allow you to have even as police officers unless acting in your official capacity.
  4. Requires owners of sporting rifles presently legal to register with DPS.
  5. Restricts you from buying more than one firearm in a thirty day period.
  6. Requires you to obtain a rifle permit to purchase a rifle.
  7. To obtain a rifle permit, you must attend and received specific training approved by DPS.
  8. To purchase ammunition for a rifle unless you have a valid rifle permit.
  9. May not purchase or POSSESS ammunition without having first obtained a registration card identifying a firearm suitable for use with that ammunition.
  10. Fee for the state rifle permit is $150 plus costs for criminal history checks and valid for five years;
  11.  Bans internet sales of ammunition to a private individual.
  12.  Requires you to register all firearms that you possess on an annual basis with DPS. (The first step toward gun confiscation.)
As horrendous as the massacre at Sandy Hook was, none of these restrictions would have stopped it. I am dismayed that the committee on Mental Health has tabled any work and recommended another task force to examine the issue that was the cause of this tragedy.
Under Article 1; Section 15 of the Connecticut Constitution it plainly states: “Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.”
There are presently almost ninety bills which could restrict or curtail your ability to defend yourself pending. You can find a list on the Connecticut Citizen Defense League website.
You can also find your legislators information here: Connecticut House of Representatives and Connecticut Senate.
To obtain a copy of S.B. 1076, you can click here. I also have a hard copy on my desk with yellow highlights on it.
Adolph Hitler stated: “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing."
If you value your right to self defense, the ability to choose the tools that you feel are best for you and your family; then you can not stand by and remain silent. Benjamin Franklin observed: “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”
Please feel free to forward this to anyone who cherishes the right to defend themselves.
Semper Fi!
Sergeant Bob Soule # 109
Simsbury Police Department
933 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, CT 06070
Phone: (860) 658-3116

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Australia, we gave up our guns (although there are many underground by those who would defend us), and now in our major cities crime has escalated, with people unable to defend themselves in their homes. If we attack an intruder, we are charged, and the criminal can sue us, for hurting them. Insanity! Absolutely!

don't give up your guns, it is a foolish thing to do. They made it sound so good to the general public that it would improve safety for one and all, but that's not true. People are more afraid than ever, even though it all appears peaceful and calm, there is an underlying anxiousness that is building.
Stupidly, the people don't ask for the right to defend themselves again, they just keep asking the government to do something. How innane.

Australia was once a great nation, now she is goint to the dogs, through deception. Don't believe their lies PLEASE!