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Monday, March 11, 2013

Update On Older Story: "Driver Beaten by Police After Refusing Vehicle Search Without A Warrant"

DENVER, CO -- Police pulled over Alexander Landau for making an illegal turn. The police wanted to fish around his vehicle for illegal plants and substances, but Landau refused to consent to the search. He demanded a warrant. At this time a bloodbath ensued. Several officers bludgeoned him with fists, radios, and flashlights. Landau was nearly beaten to death on the side of the road.

Two of the officers involved were later fired after another high-profile excessive-force case involving an assault on four women at the Denver Diner, also in 2009. However, both officers were later reinstated, and REMAIN ON THE POLICE FORCE.

Just like Stalin promoted criminals to positions within police and government these officers will end up being promoted and be the driving force against the people.

2013 UPDATE:


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