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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Are The Wrong People Representing the Citizens of Lisbon?


During the latest Town Council meeting, there were some very interesting developments.  First, Chairman LaRochelle allowed Steve Warren, Trails Commission to address the council during Audience Participation.  Mr. Warren provided an update on what the trails commission was doing.  The trail commission was not scheduled as an agenda item as required by the Council Working Rules.  I attempted to address the council and was asked if what I was going to address was pertaining to an agenda item.  My answer was “NO” because I had previously provided the council with eight (8) questions, (over a month and a half ago) the council had never answered during the thirty (30) minutes period prior to the council meeting and none has appeared on the agenda.  I followed the guidelines provided by the council and nothing came of it.  These are the eight (8) questions:

1.            Why did we have a tax increase last year and then a carry forward of over a million dollars?

2.            Why are purchases not charged to the department the purchases are for?

3.            Why did it take six years to file a law suit to recover the misappropriated $32,500?

4.            Why did the town find it necessary to transfer funds right after the beginning of the new fiscal year?

5.            Why does the Chairman of the council NOT have to pay interest and penalties on back taxes owed like ALL of residents?

6.            Why are the people not informed of the “precise nature of the business” being discussed in Executive Sessions in accordance with Maine law?

7.            Why was the old high school sold to Brunswick Housing Authority for $1.00?

8.            Why has there been no work done on the people voting on the municipal budget by departments?

Chairman LaRochelle’s answer was that “the council” did not feel these questions were worthy of being an agenda item.  In others words, “the council” does not intend to answer these questions for the citizens of Lisbon.  So let’s look at these questions:

1.        The town is faced with another budget year and after raising our taxes last year; came up with over a million dollars being carry forward with no explanation as to why this carry forward had not been applied to offset our tax increase.  By the way, where is that money now?

2.       There were three vehicles acquired from the state auction and none of these vehicles were charged to the right account.  One was charged to advertising; one was charged as repair parts; and the final one charged as equipment.  The Communication Center purchased new consoles and charged it to Town Buildings and the Police Officer Reimbursement.

3.       No one will ever know who misappropriated the $32,500 or how deep the cover-up goes.  It only took six years to get the town to file a civil suit to recover the funds.  No one will ever know how bad Chief Brooks botched the investigation.

4.        The citizens will never know why funds are transferred from one account to another with no explanation.  If the funds were not needed in these accounts then why were they budgeted which caused our taxes to go up?

5.       Why is it that Chairman LaRochelle does not have to pay all the back taxes LaRochelle Properties, LLC owed to the town to include interest and penalties like everyone one else has had to pay in the past?  Is the town setting a new presedent for the future?

6.       Do you think the council will ever provide the people with the “precise nature of business “ being discussed in Executive Sessions as required by Maine law?

7.       Are we ever going to know what goes on behind closed doors?  Remember the council sold the old high school on 4 Campus Avenue for $1.00 and with it a $1.4 million dollar federal grant.

8.       But the most important question is why there is no action being taken to allow the people of Lisbon to vote on the Municipal Budget by departments?  The PEOPLE of Lisbon voted two years ago stating they wanted to vote by department on the Municipal Budget.  

This just goes to show how very low Chairman LaRochelle has sunk.  During the workshop that followed the meeting, Councilor Pesce asked for a copy of the Planning Board list of projects for the new year.  Chairman LaRochelle stated he had only seen hand written notes of this list.  I had attended the last Planning Board meeting in which the Chairman passed out the list.  I offered to share my copy with the council and Chairman LaRochelle refused.   Since I exposed LaRochelle Properties, LLC owing back taxes, Chairman LaRochelle will not accept anything from me or allow me to address the council.  This is a true sign of a shallow person.

If “the council” does not feel these questions need to be answered, then we have the wrong people representing us.  In November, we need to make a positive change for Lisbon.

Larry Fillmore


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