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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Attending meeting for the school dept.‏

 I recieved an e-mail from Ross Cunningham, suggesting the people of Lisbon attend to discuss the school budget.  He says they need input from the towns people so they (the school dept) can make informed decisions. How are the people going to be able to discus any issues if the rules the council have enacted forbid it?  If it is so very important for the council and any other departments of the town to have input from the people I say we should go back to the form of government we had when the town was being run correctly. There is no way this town should should let six or seven people tell us what we should be doing with our money. 
If the council were ready to listen to us then maybe we as taxpayers would be more incned to accept their decisions.  The have refused to let us have any say in the running of this town so why should we waste our time? When it comes to the time for a change we should ALL vote! \
When it is said that there is not enough room in the school gym to hold a town meeting just suggest we hold it in  the big center in Lewiston.  That would be big enough.

                                                        Donald G. Wile


Anonymous said...

We all vote for our elected officials that make decisions for us. That is how this country works.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunte that our elected officials are not making decisions in the best interest of the taxpayers. We need to go back to Government of, by, and for the taxpayers and citizens of the Town of Lisbon; the ones who are paying the bills.
Three of the members of the town council are NOT taxpayers. yet they are controlling out budget.

Anonymous said...

It is irrelevant that three members of the town council are not tax payers. the 24th amendment did away with the poll tax. I don't think returning to the "old ways" is very productive. Filling LHS gym with people set out for a single purpose. Want a new firetruck? Fill the gym with pro-fire folks. Once that part is over. Gym empties and fill with the next group of sympathizers. And I think you're mistaken. It is "...of, by, and for the people...." not strictly for taxpayers. Obviously, people like the way the town is being run, or they would vote for the archaic system you promote. Additionally, the reason people can't speak anymore at will, at town meetings is because of you and your ilk continuously badgering the council. I for one find it entertaining and quite distracting. Conversely, the non-sense that is brought to the meetings and the irrelevant of it all has turned me to watching them on TV/internet. I'm sure many more don't show up for the same reason. Don't like it? Go petition.

Anonymous said...

well said

Larry Fillmore said...

The reason we are not allowed to speak is because Dot Fritzgerald, Roger Cote and Larry Fillmore are questioning misappropriation by the Town Manager. Look at the Chairman not paying back taxes, interest and penalties. Everyone else has to pay interest and penalties. Why do we have a double standard in Lisbon? Chairman LaRochelle does not want the people to know about the misappropriations or the double standards. Anything we bring out at the council meeting are concerns for everyone. Whatever happen to the people voting on the Municipal budget? The council hides important information from the people

Anonymous said...


You do have valid points. But, I think you take your disdain for the towns elected and appointed people too personally. I say keep up the good fight, but "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." I think that idiom would take you much further in your crusade than the way you have been presenting yourself.

Anonymous said...

the three musketeers are working to save the town of lisbon

Anonymous said...

or.... the 3 stooges