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Monday, April 1, 2013

There is no such thing as “equal justice for all” in Lisbon.



Chairman LaRochelle and the members of the town council have been arriving 30 minutes prior to the meeting to listen to the concerns of the people since citizens can ONLY address items on the agenda. The agenda does not have a section for New Business.   At the last council meeting, I provided a listing of issues brought up during previous council meetings that was never answered.  Below is the list:

1.    Why did we have a tax increase last year and then a carry forward of over a million dollars?

2.    Why are purchases not charged to the department the purchases are for?

3.    Why did it take six years to file a law suit to recover the misappropriated $32,500?

4.    Why did the town find it necessary to transfer funds right after the beginning of the new fiscal year?

5.    Why does the Chairman of the council NOT have to pay interest and penalties on back taxes owed like ALL of residents?

6.    Why are the people not informed of the “precise nature of the business” being discussed in Executive Sessions in accordance with Maine law?

7.    Why was the old high school sold to Brunswick Housing Authority for $1.00?

8.    Why has there been no work done on the people voting on the municipal budget by departments?


Please review the agenda for Tuesday April 2, 2013 Town Council Meeting on The Lisbon Reporter.  Not only are none of these items on the agenda but the agenda does not have very much on it so the council could have added one or two of the items from above to answer.  This is yet another lie provided to the people.  This just goes to show the integrity of Chairman LaRochelle.  These items above are very sensitive to the council and they do not want to answer these questions truthfully.  Of course, they will try to double-talk you like Town Manager Eldridge did to Councilor Garrison’s question on; If the Lisbon Communication Center was receiving 911 calls directly?  Mr. Eldridge’s answer was YES the calls come directly from Lewiston.  All 911 calls are answered by the Androscoggin County Dispatch and no 911 calls come directly to the Lisbon Communication Center.  Not a lie but double-talk and very misleading.


                                               Pesce and Ward

 Garrison & Bickford

There is another explanation.  It could be that the people will never receive an answer to these questions because I brought them up.  This is another example of the “Good Old Boys” network.  If you are not a member of the good old boys you get nothing but grief in this town but if you are a member of the good old boys you can operate a business anywhere you want and you do not have to pay personal property taxes like everyone else who operates a business.  There is a double standard in Lisbon. There is no such thing as “equal justice for all” in Lisbon.

The people of Lisbon will never be able to vote on the municipal budget or know how the $32,500 was taken.  Citizens will never receive the answers to any of the above cited questions.  The town council does not want you to know the misappropriation of funds nor the mismanagement going on in this community.
Larry Fillmore
We the People

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