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Saturday, May 11, 2013

BrasscheckTV: Another truth teller who died early‏

He threatened to run against George Bush Sr.
for the 1988 Republican nomination.
He warned against the New World Order. 
He was articulate and clear headed in debate
against news media deadbeats. 
He was dead within four months of this
- Brasscheck
Around May of 1983, approximately 4 months before being shot down in 
KAL007, Congressman Larry McDonald takes on Pat Buchanan and Tom Braden 
on Crossfire as they badger him about his new role as Chairman of the 
John Birch Society.  He easily handles them and answers questions 
concerning the Elite's Conspiracy for a One World Government. 
Congressman Larry McDonald
A passenger on KAL 007 (1983)

Larry McDonald on the New World Order


Dead within four months of this interview
He was right about Bill Casey who turned out to be a criminal on an EPIC scale.

He was correct about the negative impact of the government-created phenomenon of inflation (starting in 1983.)

He was also correct about about the Federal government's obsession with impinging on gun rights and shredding the Constitution.

YouTube commentary:

Around May of 1983, approximately 4 months before being shot down in KAL007, Congressman Larry McDonald takes on Pat Buchanan and Tom Braden on Crossfire as they badger him about his new role as Chairman of the John Birch Society. He easily handles them and answers questions concerning the Elite's Conspiracy for a One World Government.

For more News media corruption: videos, click here

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