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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What is good for the goose is good for the gander!!!


On April 24, 1998, Mr.  Fernand  M. LaRochelle Sr. completed and was awarded a Homestead Exemption on his property at 140 Main Street, Lisbon Falls, Maine.  This Homestead Exemption would remain in effect as long as he owned this property.  The fact that he never had to renew this application is called grandfathering by some.  However, LaRochelle Properties, LLC took over ownership of the property and therefore Mr. LaRochelle Sr. was no longer entitled to the Homestead Exemption because he no longer owned the property. 

When the town changed owners of the property, the town did not delete the Homestead Exemption from the town records.  At this point, the town of Lisbon is 100% to blame for this screw-up.  Mr. Fernand M. LaRochelle Sr and his family did nothing wrong.  However, LaRochelle Properties, LLC had the responsibility to report the error to the town when they received their tax notice every year and never did.  This means LaRochelle Properties, LLC must share in the blame for this unfortunate situation. 

The town of Lisbon Assessor computed the taxes owed and LaRochelle Properties, LLC paid the back taxes owed.  The Assessor did not compute any Interest and Penalties associated with LaRochelle Properties, LLC owing these back taxes.  Every other resident of Lisbon who owes back taxes is charged Interest and Penalties.  At one of the council meetings, Mrs. Maloy, the Finance Director, explained to the council that one of the 37 property owners who owed back taxes from 2003-2011 owed more in Interest and Penalties than the actual back taxes.  The council gave the Finance Director approval to start foreclosure proceedings. 

How can the council sleep at night knowing that LaRochelle Properties, LLC was not charged and has not paid Interest and Penalties on the back taxes they owed and turn around and start foreclosure proceedings on other residents of Lisbon?   

The town assessor must compute the Interest and Penalties owed by LaRochelle Properties, LLC and LaRochelle Properties, LLC must pay the Interest and Penalties they owe before anyone has foreclosure proceedings started against them.  What is right is right!

Please do what is right and move on.

Larry Fillmore

P.S.  Remember when the town screwed-up Councilor Cote’s excise tax and the town forced Council Cote to pay not only the back taxes but the Interest and Penalty.  What is good for the goose is good for the gander!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you three muskateers- three stooges- are whack jobs