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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Whole Sale Direct Metals: The REAL Weapon of Government Tyranny

Written by Damon Geller
As talk of serious gun control dominates our politics and media, many people are warning of an assault on our Second Amendment and the threat of government tyranny if we civilians are disarmed.  Tragically, government tyranny is not a future nightmare; government tyranny is a reality here and now.  And in the 21st century, the tyrants don’t care if we have guns or not.  The weapons they're using to tyrannize us don't have a chamber or a barrel – the real weapons of tyranny do not involve guns and cannot be halted by guns.  Rather, the real weapons of tyranny slowly bankrupt us and threaten our future and security.  And there's only one true "protector" that rises to our defense.

Taxation by Inflation
While the country is force-fed the fight over gun-control by the media like a poisonous potion, we’re looking at an impending debt BOMB that will inevitably bankrupt this nation, finish-off the gutting of our middle class and our retirees, and ultimately tax everyone to the moon.  The real tyranny people need to be protecting themselves from in a big way is the unchecked tyranny of central banks and their monetary destruction.
The Fed debases your currency on a daily basis to steal wealth through an unfair and unconstitutional taxation called inflation.  Central banks are the monetary cornerstone of an essentially Communist system.   Gun rights may indeed be worth fighting over, but even without gun control, you’re already being subjugated by your own government and The Fed now.  A gun isn’t going to protect you from current monetary tyranny or keep you from having your wealth robbed by a collection of sociopaths that have taken over our political, financial and economic systems.
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