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Sunday, June 9, 2013

WJB Comment: Public Banking Conference good news: all solutions already here for deficits, debt, full-employment‏

On the website  from every page or article on the site the term CAFR is obscurely mentioned "once" (one time)
It is very obvious to me based on that FACT they are more involved with non-disclosure of government's true wealth held over disclosure.
The government gang is frantically working on how to mask the wealth amassed and taken from the population to date.
Without complete disclosure of the wealth amassed at this point "Public Banks" fit that purpose. The one time obscure mention of the CAFR on site tells me the intent behind the effort and goal.
So Carl, it is very important to qualify intent. You have openly mentioned the CAFR many times over the last five-years, they as an entity or from their primary operatives have not. Pull the mask off of the Wizard and expose the intent by omission!

"Government needed the private banks over the last century as the middlemen to facilitate government taking it all over by investment. Now that collective government has done so: They do not need the middlemen anymore, they wish to manage their wealth themselves." WJB
The private sector was screwed by the banks on round one. It is VERY important it does not happen again in round two with government run "Public Banks!" Open and clear mention by that organization and disclosure of what has amassed by collective government to date will give transparency to that issue.

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

-------FOOTER NOTE------

Per understanding CAFRs , people have been intentionally kept in the dark so long they forget the basics:

1. A "Budget Report" is a selective funding of x accounts from x resources (set up to be primarily funded with taxation and done so "for the year")

2. An "Annual Financial Report" is the showing of "all" income: Investment; taxation; and Enterprise, plus the "accumulated wealth over decades. Budgets are for the year, an AFR is for it all since creation of the entity.

There is a big difference between the two. A correct analogy would be: The budget to operate your house vs. your statement of net worth.

The public has been played with the biggest shell game of selective presentation there is allowing for massive fortunes to be made by the inside players over the last several decades..

Every investment fund large and small is a power base. Where that money is invested determines what company; real-estate venture, etc., is made or broken. Thus in line with that, never a mention of the 184,000 AFRs of the corresponding local governments..nor the many thousands of specialty investment funds they contain. I note gov pension funds facilitate the same. Paying employee benefits from the return on the funds is an after thought for the government players.

The head communists back in the 30's and 40's said they could take over America without firing a shot. The undercurrents of that statement were that they could depend on the greed and opportunity of the players to accomplish that goal and it did. US Collective government since 2000 brings in more gross income than the entire gross income of the population of the United States.

Taxation is rammed down the public's throat (1/3rd of the gross income) and Investment / Enterprise income (2/3rd of the gross income) the "silence is golden" rule is strictly enforced with the full symbiotic cooperation of the syndicated media; controlled education; and both political parties as applies over the last century.

NOTE: Up until 1999 the CAFR showed the "gross" standing balances of income and investment fund balances. Then with onset of disclosure by CAFR1 and the public now looking for the first time (a 100% private association) who oversees the accounting guidelines of the CAFR, changes were made starting with transmittal letter-31 (up to 90 now) changing the showing in the CAFR from that of gross balances to a showing of "net" balances. Many games are played there so it is very important now to look through the "notes to the financial section" to spot or be directed to many of the specialty advance liability actual fund balances.

** Government was NOT supposed to operate at a profit. How did they get around this restriction?

ANSWER: If for example a city had a 100-million dollar profit for the year from any of its operations, at a stroke of a pen they create or deposit into a "liability fund" and poof, there goes the profit re-designated now as a liability.

A personal example would be:

If you and I ran a business for the last twenty years and we now had 1-billion dollars clear. We decide we are going to retire in five-years and want to buy an island in the Bahamas for 700-million dollars. So we create an "advance liability fund", move 700-million dollars into it and now our "net" balance on our books is 300-million dollars. Now if with drafted a "Budget" for our business operations (projection of expenses for the upcoming year) of say 325-million dollars, that budget would show us to be 25-million dollars in the red. If we now actually spent 200-million for the upcoming year, gee, we now have 125-million we can move into our "buy an island liability fund in the Bahamas" zero out our profit, have the ability to buy a bigger island now with 825-million in our fund, and start the process all over again for next year.

Now catch this point: On our accounting of the "buy an island fund', our liability if we left the price at 700-million and the fund balance was 825-million, the "net" balance of the fund is now 125-million dollars. (700-million of the funds balance is a liability to pay). If we modified the liability to 825-million then our "net" fund balance is zero. 825 - 825 = 0

One other tactic we could use as a mask of our true funds held would be to take the 825-million, deposit it with some financial institution domestic or international and arrange a loan or investment from that same financial institution of 825-million using our own capital through that financial institution to give the impression the 825-million was 100% a debt for repayment to whatever X financial institution we were using in that shell game of appearance. AGAIN why it is important to carefully look at the notes to the financial section of the CAFR.

ON A LAST NOTE: Did you ever notice how a local government projects their liabilities out 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30-years but project their income only 1-year out? THINK ABOUT IT! Do the math and see the selective presentation game you are being spoon fed to buy hook - line - and sinker!

From:  "Carl Herman"
Subject:  Public Banking Conference good news: all solutions already here for deficits, debt, full-employment
Date:  Mon, June 3, 2013 7:52 pm
To:  "Carl Herman"

and here:
Public Banking Conference good news: all solutions already here for deficits, debt, full-employment
Public Banking Institute’s 2013 conference explains, documents, and proves that economic solutions for deficits, debt, and full-employment are structurally:

  •  easy to understand and self-evident upon inspection
  •  easy to implement 
  •  would improve our economy amazingly quickly and thoroughly 


The conference link contains a complete schedule for access to each speaker’s contributions. The details on any one issue are many, and available at one’s interest to look. 

What’s missing for the implementation of these solutions is that our 1% “leaders” will not and can not implement solutions without becoming visible in criminal culpability for having the current system that parasitically transfers literal trillions from the 99%.

Matt Taibbi: “If the public isn’t educated quickly, we won’t have a chance. The current system (of banking and finance) is completely corrupt.”
The solution to this problem is also obvious: prosecute obvious criminals in “leadership” in government, economics, and corporate media for fundamental fraud by lying to the 99% that debt is “money,” and lying in omission by failing to inform that public credit and money would solve all current economic issues. The public costs of this fraud are trillions of dollars, and needed-to-be-estimated harm to millions of Americans and significant totals of deaths. An alternative to criminal prosecution is Truth and Reconciliation.

Please remember: for 18 years I worked with both parties’ “leadership” to end poverty that had full academic agreement, full political agreement on paper, and two UN Summits. The 1990 World Summit for Children was the largest meeting of heads of state in world history, yet even the political organization at that level has been thwarted in policy realization. Poverty continues because the 1% use “leadership” in government and media to take no action and keep their inaction quiet from public attention.

Therefore, while I welcome anyone and everyone to learn whatever details of interest in public banking and monetary reform, I lived the intense learning and work to have appreciable command of the facts inclusive in the areas of ending poverty, I lived the work to help organized political agreement and meetings at the highest levels on the planet, and lived the life-changing defeat of all that work through political, economic, and media interest in competing areas. The 1% destroy democratic civic participation by removing choices from public consideration through their silence, despite obvious public enthusiasm when informed of the facts.

That said, the 100 million families who’ve received microcredit and worked their way out of poverty are surely appreciative of our work. These benefits saved ~100 million human lives, reduces population growth, and according to the CIA reduces the sole statistic most linked to global terrorism (infant mortality).

I see no policy realization in public banking without removal of our criminal 1% with competing interests in living off parasitic debt (full explanation here). 

One of the ways to achieve that result is certainly through broad public education, providing choice to legislators of whether they wish to reclaim their hearts with public solutions, and local media and community outreach.

The solutions are here, with only parasites between humanity and their realization.

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