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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Does This Sound Like Lisbon's Chief of Police David T. Brooks, AKA "Money Sucking Pig" ?; Personal Liberty Digest: Watch: Cop Speaks Out Against Ticket Quota, Urges Officers To Serve And Protect, Gets Fired

Former Auburn, Ala., police officer Justin Hanners became disturbed when a new chief at his department ordered officers to hassle, ticket and arrest specific numbers of residents per shift if they valued their jobs.
“When I first heard about the quotas I was appalled,” he said. “I got into law enforcement to serve and protect, not be a bully.”
Hanners filed formal complaints to his chain of command and, getting nowhere, eventually began to speak out publically about the abuses. His superiors order him to shut-up about the abuses—and when he didn’t, Hanners was fired.
He is currently looking for a lawyer to help him sue the department.
H/T: Reason 

Submitted by: 'Roger, aka "Councilor Cote" & RT'

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