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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks, "Cry Me A Yellow River"!

 "When you're a small town and you only have one or two people on duty, then you're telling that town they have to take their officer out of their town in order to transport someone," Lisbon police Chief David Brooks said Monday. "And that's a problem."

Aaron Neville - Cry Me a River

No Brooksie, YOU Are The Problem In Lisbon!!!


Mary-Ann Morgan said...

Perhaps the solution to staffing lies with eliminating the comm center and using the savings to hire an extra officer or increase reserve officers. Since Lisbon pays a very large amount of money to the County, let's take advantage of their Comm center. BTW, exactly what is the net profit for the comm center's neigboring Towns 911 answering service. If it is as large as Brooks projected, wouldn't this pay for extra jail transportation costs?

Larry Fillmore said...

If according to Chief Brooks "When you're a small town and you only have one or two people on duty, then you're telling that town they have to take their officer out of their town in order to transport someone," Then answer me this Chief Brooks; why do we need nine (9) vehicles if only one or two people are on duty at a time? What a BS artist? All Brooks does is tell the audience what they want to hear. Chief Brooks could care less whether it is true or not as long as he looks good. If we are a small town, why did we purchase 2014 vehicles instead of 2012 or 2013 vehicles. This town is struggling for money and Chief Brooks has to have the very best of everything. In the meantime, citizens are trying to pay their taxes. Two tax increases in two years just to support Chief Brooks' police department and his communication center is too much. The communication center is redundant and puts our lives at risk but he does not care. His empire is more important than residents finding the money to pay their taxes.