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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

NaturalNews: Fukushima reaches desperation point as filtration equipment goes offline‏


Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Fukushima has now reached a point of desperation as water filtration equipment goes offline, leaving the worsening radiation leaks with virtually zero possibility of being stopped.
The Russians have offered to help, and the Japanese government has now taken over from Tepco, citing years of bureaucratic failure.
Here's what you need to know:

An Australian family is suing a drug company over a flu vaccine that permanently damaged their child:

Men, beware: PSA prostate cancer screening is a medical hoax.
The test is worthless:

Here are four scientific reasons to eat more dark chocolate (as if you needed another reason, right?)

Today from
- 8 GMO foods to avoid
- Why olive oil is superior to canola oil
- What is electrosmog? Here's an overview

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show: Continuing coverage of the Fukushima freefall, what it means and how you can keep your kids healthy despite increasing radiation levels. Plus, breaking news on flu shot mandates for this fall. Call 1-866-939-2355 from 3-5PM EDT. Listen in at

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