Worumbo Mill on Lisbon council agenda tonight
LISBON – One of the town’s most historic commercial buildings may be purchased by the town and demolished as part of the Route 196 master plan, Town Manager Steve Eldridge said Monday.
A discussion will be held at the Town Council meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday on whether the town should float bonds to pay for the demolition of the Worumbo Mill building at the corner of Route 196 and Canal Street.
“It’s something the Town Council has been talking about behind closed doors for some time,” Eldridge said. “We decided to go public to find out how residents feel about it.”
Full Article: http://www.sunjournal.com/news/lewiston-auburn/2013/08/05/worumbo-mill-lisbon-council-agenda-tonight/1403982#.UgDMaUgI2ps.email
WTF..This Town wants to take on a project such as this, with all the other needs being asked of the taxpayers to pay for with their hard earned dollars. Let the Millers sell and/or renovate this building. The Town has been good to the Millers over the years and owe them nothing. No tax dollars for this ludicrous idea.
I totally agree. Let the Millers pay to have the mill demolished. The tax payers in this town have enough burdens already. If the town is going to spend money a good portion of the streets and side roads need to be repaired and repaved.
So the council wants to buy a building for crazy amount of money then pay a hell of alot more to tear it down. For what? Maybe someday 196 will get changed. What are they smoking I would love some. Miller paid way less than 600, 000 for all that land down there. Now we are going to give him more for one building that the town collects taxes on . Like Ron White says "You CAN FIX STUPID". Lets fix the sign when you LEAVE lisbon on lewiston line that reads "visiting lisbon thank you " . Can not believe the council people that are representing there own town think this is good for us . Plain old bullshit.
We all agree the Worumbo Mill in its current shape is truly an eye-soar. It would be good to purchase the property and demolition the building but the price tag is too high for the taxpayers to pay. Once the town purchases the property the citizens assume all liability for the property which is an additional burden. The cost for the purchase, demolition and cleanup is over a million dollars plus you lose the benefit of the taxes being paid to the town now. To renovate the building is estimated to cost over two million on a new roof, replacement windows, and repair the exterior walls alone. We citizens have suffered two years of tax increases and cannot afford more tax raises for this project. Ride around the town and look at all the businesses that are closed, the number of empty house and the growing number of houses for sale. This is a direct result of ever raising taxes to the point people cannot afford to live in Lisbon. If you want to make our town look better reduce the taxes by cutting spending so people can afford to live in Lisbon.
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