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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Why Social Media IS Necessary In Lisbon!


On Tuesday night, August 20, 2013, I attended a Town Council meeting/Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill project.  I am sure that Town Manager Stephen Eldridge was there.  I verified his presence with the Great Falls TV video of the meeting.

However, Mrs. Darcie Moore reported on August 23, 2013 inThe Times Record (click to view), that “However, Tuesday, Eldridge said the council was never able to hear questions, share information or have a dialogue as about six or seven members of the public criticized the council for about 20 minutes about bringing the proposal forward ---objections including the price tag and making the mill a priority over other needs in town can get.”  This is as far from the truth as you can get.  Members of the Public were limited to 3 minutes and approximately fifteen to twenty individuals spoke before Vice Chair Ward terminated the Public Hearing.  Numerous questions were asked but never answered.  The design of the Public Hearing did NOT allow for a dialogue.  The Public came to the podium, asked questions and left.  At the end of the Public Hearing, both Mr. Eldridge and Vice Chair Ward answered a few questions.  

 The entire council chamber was full and numerous others were in the hallway.   A friend of mine estimated there were approximately 100 residents in attendance. It is apparent that Mrs. Moore did not verify her information.  Those that attend council meetings regularly know that Mr. Eldridge is known for not telling the truth or twisting the words for his agenda.  There have been many times Mr. Eldridge has provided the council with half-truths or false guidance in order to get his desired results.  This has been going on since January 2008 when Mr. Eldridge became Town Manager.

This situation is exactly why The LisbonReporter,, The Unmasker 4 Maine and Falmouth Today blog sites were created.  These blogs purpose has always been to bring the truth to our respective communities.  These blog sites enable everyone to express their opinions and to expose the corruption going on daily.  

It is important that the real truth be provided to our people to keep them informed so the people can make intelligent decisions when they are asked to vote on issues.  I know in Lisbon, residents are provided ONLY what the council and Mr. Eldridge want them to know.   

The people are never provided all the facts or all the options.  This is exactly why Lisbon is in such poor condition today. 

Unfortunately, Lisbon can never move forward as long as Mr. Eldridge is the Town Manager.  Lisbon is on the same destructive path Rumford suffered when Mr. Eldridge was the Town Manager there.

Social Medias, such as blog sites, are a vital avenue for the people to get the truth.  You can tell these sites are very effective because councilors, both past and present, object to these sites.  It must be terrible when the truth comes out exposing these councilors.  When Lori Pomelow gave her outgoing speech she claimed the information on the blog sites were lies so we started providing documents supplied by the town as proof.  It is hard to deny anything when you use the town documents as evidence.  The only time they complain is when they are caught in a lie.

Another means of getting the truth to the people is through Facebook.  Facebook reaches a large number of people both locally and around the world.  This is another example of “social media”.  Anyone who criticizes the use of “social media” needs a checkup from the neck up.

I personally have been forced to verify everything said by management of Lisbon.  I utilize the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for documents supporting statements made.  I believe I am well over one hundred FOAA’s.  Also, for every copy I receive I have to pay $.50 of my own money.  As a resident of Lisbon, I do not believe I should be forced to go to these lengths. 

Tell me again where the transparency is in Lisbon.

Larry Fillmore

Editors Note:
Councilor Mason Does Not Get It, Never Has Never Will!
Except for her self proclaimed and Self Promoted Events.


Dot Fitzgerald said...

As much as I do not to see the Worumbo Mill demolished, It is a landmark and Historical Site, I do not trust those who are running our town. Town manager Eldridge and council recently approved a $50,000 contract without putting it out to bid. They approved a road stripping contract without putting it out to bid. How many more contracts, how much money could be saved by following their rules and putting work out to bid? They lay off part-time workers at the transfer station and close it on Thursdays to save pennies.
And they expect us, the taxpayers, to entrust then with a Million Dollars?

Anonymous said...

Maybe, to get all the questions answered that are presented to the council, we should right them down prior to stepping up to the podium. Or at least a brief synopsis of what will be asked. Since we are only allowed to speak in context about what is on the agenda, this could be done well in advance and a lot of research and thought can be put into the questions and then a copy could be handed to the clerk, so there isn't confusion about what was asked. Whenever i do step to the microphone, which is rare because of public speaking issues, I always write down exactly what I would like to ask and include followup questions based on what I think their answers will be. Maybe there should be a box for question to be submitted that are to be answered by the council. No?

Anonymous said...

I would put one of my examples here of what my upcoming question(s) look like, but I don't want them to be prepared. Although, I have a feeling they know what's coming in reference to the fiasco that was the public hearing on the mill.

Additionally, I trust the school committee wholeheartedly. They have plans, background, prospective gains, etc... for everything they propose--the same can't be said for the TC from what I can see.

Councilor LaRochelle spoke about "foot traffic" during his "impromptu" speech. What the school committee has plans for will do just that. I'm willing to pay more in taxes if the "return on investment" is more than an empty lot with a NEW LaRochelle boondoggle next to it.

False Deluder said...

This is an example of a question I might ask. :) i changed my name too. anonymous is taken. LOL

1. Miller Industries has sold THE ADJACENT PROPERTY to LaRochelle Properties, LLC for $65,000 May 5th 2012, and a change in land use is on the agenda tomorrow, August 28th before the Appeals Board. The agenda states that there is a request to construct a commercial building.

a. Is there a specific type of business in the planning stages, and are there, or will there be, provisional drawings/sketches of what the site will look like, both with the mill in place and without?

b. If the town does not approve the bond, are there alternative plans for the site, or will LaRochelle Properties proceed normally, if permitted, and build on the site?

Anonymous said...

At the Board of Appeals public hearing on Wednesday August 28, 2013
"Case 13-1:
Variance request, 2 Canal Street.
Lisbon Falls, U05-011
Larochelle Properties LLC, Fern Larochelle.
request for reduction of front and side setback requirements to allow for construction of commercial office space."
Legal notice as printed in the Sun Journal.