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Friday, September 13, 2013

Are The Voting Taxpayers In Lisbon Getting Short Changed By Their Elected Representatives?


During the discussion on the Worumbo Mill proposal, the people learned of a conversation that took place in the later part of 2010.  This conversation took place in, yet another illegal, Executive Session.  The primary councilors who did not want the mill to come down at the Millers expense were Dale Crafts and Gina Mason. 

Former Councilor now State Representative Dale Crafts

 Lisbon Town Councilor Gina Mason

 This question was never officially voted on by the council because the council did not want the people to know what was going on.  Now three years later, the council is trying to push the purchase and demolition of the mill onto the people of Lisbon.  What has changed and what deals have been made behind closed doors? 

Why wasn’t the proposal by Miller Industries back in 2010 brought to the people for consideration?  Why is it so very important to bring it to the people now?  The council stopped it before without going to the people or a referendum so why not stop it now at this point?

Anything the council does not want the people to know is discussed behind closed doors in Executive Session.  This is not right but there is no way to prove it until something like the 2010 Executive Session comes out because no one is supposed to discuss the contents of an Executive Session.  The only reason that this one came out is because it is three years later and there was no vote taken.  The fact is our councilors use the Executive Session privilege to keep the people from knowing what shady deals they are doing.   

Another shady deal was when the town sold 4 Campus Avenue to the Brunswick Housing Authority for $1.00 and over a million dollars Federal grant went with it.  There is no telling what other slimy deals have been made behind closed doors under the pretense of an Executive Session. 

 Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge

 Vice-Chairman Lisa Ward
Now let’s look at the Public Hearing and what took place.  Both Town Manager Stephen Eldridge and Vice Chair Lisa Ward tried very hard to protect the interest of Mrs. Miller and Miller Industries.  

 Councilor Ward campaigned for election to help the elderly and those on fixed income.  She has kept this campaign promise that got her elected by voting during the past two years to raise taxes.  Now Councilor Ward is more concerned in protecting the interest of Mrs. Miller and Miller Industries than the interest of the people.  Mr. Eldridge would do anything to see this proposal approved even to the point of lying several times during the Public Hearing and was called out on it.  Who does Mr. Eldridge represent?

It is so strange to see councilors asking all the RIGHT questions because they know that something is not right and then vote to approve the item the previously had reservations about.  As a result of this practice, the town has approved two contracts illegally. 

These councilors were voted into office to provide their individual qualities and not to join a club.  Council Lunt and Councilor Pesce are the only councilors who have ever voted against anything.  I remember a time when two Councilors (Pomelow and LaRochelle) both said they did not feel that they had sufficient information to vote at this time and then voted to approve the item.  Where is the integrity?   Normally, when it comes to voting it is always 7-0.  How is it possible for everyone to agree on almost everything?  The people elected our councilors to represent the people and make the RIGHT decisions for this community

So tell me again, who do our councilors represent?

Larry Fillmore

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