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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lisbon Councilors Hear Plenty of Citizens Saying 'No' To Worumbo Mill Bond, But Were They Listening?

By: Peter Reuter, Special to the Lisbon Reporter

About 135 people attended the second Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill Project Bond held tonight at the Lisbon Community School.  Several residents spoke NOT to put this on the taxpayer's back in the form of a $1 million dollar bond to be put on the ballot in November.   Out of the roughly 25 people that spoke a multiple of times, the consensus was that the majority are not in favor of such a preposterous proposition put forth by this sitting council.

Those in favor numbered just about 5 persons.  

Vice Chairman Lisa Ward chaired the meeting and Chairman Fern LaRochelle recused himself and sat in the front of the room.  Ward tried to stymie a citizen from speaking to no avail.  Rounds of applause were given for information the citizen speaking was presenting.

This meeting was announced, once again, that it would be aired on Public Access Television. But we know from past history that these Public Hearings held at LCS are selectively aired.  Time will tell.

Thank you to all who attended, listened, learned, and participated.  Lisbon A Great Place To Live and Do Business,  together we can fulfill that motto.

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