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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

NaturalNews: The coming plague will have no pharma cure: superbugs taking over medicine‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The CDC now admits superbugs are taking over. The agency just released a shocking new report that essentially admits the era of antibiotics has reached its end.
Soon, doctors will have zero chemicals available to treat common infections. "Go home and die" will become standard practice.
But herbal antibiotics can save lives, so here's what you need to know to survive even when drugs have failed humanity:

Almost 50 million Americans are now on food stamps as nation plunges into widespread poverty

Scientists invent self-healing "Terminator" polymer that repairs itself automatically:

Is your holistic vet really holistic? A lot of 'em aren't. Here's how to tell:

Scientific dishonesty is on the rise. The number of redacted papers is rising sharply:

More news continues below...

Tuesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Do drug resistant bacteria pose a potential catastrophe as the CDC is warning? Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions. Listen in at

Today from
- Find ulcer relief with cabbage
- Immunity power boosters that prevent the flu
- Does your medicine cabinet contain bentonite clay?

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