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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Since You Won't Get This Update From Town Officials, We Present An Update To The Missing $32,500 From The Economic And Community Development Department In Lisbon

$32,500 UPDATE

As we all know, back in 2007 the town misappropriated $32,500 dollars.  After a thorough investigation, by Interim Town Manager David T. Brooks, no one was prosecuted.  Since that time, the town has done more than nothing to retrieve the money.  I stand corrected, a feeble attempt was made to prosecute first Daniel Feeney which failed and then in May 2, 2012 the town filed a civil suit against Kurt Kimball.

On May 30, 2013 the judge granted a Summary Judgment against the town.  Since that time, the court is waiting for the Town of Lisbon to either proceed to trial or drop the law suit.  One would figure that over 90 days would be sufficient enough time to come to a decision anywhere else but Lisbon. 

Between our Town Attorney Roger Therriault, who is making a killing on this case, and the Town Manager Eldridge who is too busy trying to jam the Worumbo Mill down our throats regardless of the contamination problems associated with the mill, and the Town Council who is trying to make Mrs. Miller happy instead of the voters who elected them; there has been no decision.

Today, I contacted the Clerk of Courts for the 8th District and was informed the court is still waiting on the town.  I am sure there are a lot of people in this town that do not want this to go to trial because the people may learn the truth about who actually stole this money and how it was covered up all this time.  The town could be waiting for the statute of limitations to run out.  At that point, the people of Lisbon will never learn the truth.

I feel compelled to write this update to keep the citizens of Lisbon informed because this information will never come from the Town Manager or the Town Council.

Larry Fillmore

Editor's Note:
At the time all of this was done, it was under the guidance and monitoring of none other than Councilor Dale Crafts.  He has admitted to many that "it would not look good for him if this were to come out" well, too BAD. Jennifer Norris, newly hired Economic and Community Development Director, began to expose this and was then harassed through intimidation by Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks.  She left to mitigate the emotional stress induced upon herself by Lisbon's "good ole boy network"
The Cover story was a loan to Atlantic Commerical Cleaners, a fictitious entity, but that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt not to be the case.   SO what will the Lisbon Town Council Do Now?  

 Dan Feeney with his "Sandblasted" Jeep in a Moxie Parade

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who signed the $32,000 check? Why did Mr. Feeney get off?....The shell still continues!!