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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Food For Thought...NaturalNews: Revealed: Secret list of food corporations funneling money into GMO slush fund‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) was recently caught red-handed running an illegal money laundery "slush fund" operation that violated Washington's fair election laws.
The purpose of the slush fund was to conceal the identities of food corporations that were funneling money to defeat I-522, the GMO labeling bill nearing a vote.
After being threatened with a restraining order by an Attorney General, the GMA finally decided to comply with the law and release the names of the food companies that conspired in this illegal money laundering scheme.
We've got the list of those companies right here:

In India, Big Pharma uses humans as guinea pigs to test dangerous new drugs. Now, thousands of Indian citizens have died from these recklness, unethical medical experiments:

Shocked by the sudden change in cold weather in the USA? Here are five ways to beat the common cold:

A true "bionic man" warns about the rise of corporate robots and the utter lack of ethics in science:

Grape seed extract found to treat colorectal cancer:

Toxic Beverages Exposed: New episode of "Secrets to Health" with the Health Ranger just released! Check out the show at www.SecretsToHealth.TV

More news continues below...

Today from
- The sobering reality of prescription drugs, no longer "miracle pills"
- The top 5 nuts for improving your health
- Healing naturally with essential oils

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