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Monday, November 11, 2013

Lisbon's Governing Body Hears From A Long Time Lisbon Respected Citizen


 Lisbon Town Manager

It was only a few short years ago that Town Manager Steve Eldridge wanted to tear down the former Lisbon High School on Campus Avenue, as the building was in decrepit condition, bricks falling out.
A few years prior to that the town was ready to demolish the former town office building on the corner of Main and Union Streets. The basement was flooding, the windows were old, the building was in horrible condition.
Fast forward a few years:
The town sold the former Lisbon High School, and gave away a substantial Historical Grant, to the Brunswick Housing Authority for ONE DOLLAR! ! ! You heard correctly $1.00!! ! ! ! 

The building was re-habbed and is now the the crowning jewel of Campus Avenue.

The town office and police department  had outgrown their office spaces, the police department was located in the basement, so they found an excuse to build a new Town Office, with space for the police department.
The former town office property was sold to The Extension Service who found and corrected the problem with the wet basement, replaced the old windows, and
renovated the building.
The Town Manager had the same options but elected to sell the properties for far below fair market value, and now they are beautiful buildings with a long and useful life and future.
Fast forward again:
Town Manager Steve Eldridge, with the assistance of some members of the town council, decided that the Worumbo Mill building is in terrible condition, an eyesore, and needs to be demolished. The only trouble with that is, the town does not own the property as they did in the above situations.
So, they came up with a solution! ! ! ! !
The town will float a bond in the amount of One Million Dollars, that is $1,000,000.

The town, amend that to the taxpayers, will pay principle and interest on said bond for 20 years.
The town will purchase the property for One Hundred Thousand Dollars, $100,000, demolish the building and create a beautiful town park, with beautiful water frontage.
I would like to add at this point that the owner of the Worumbo Mill property, Mrs. Miller, is not the bad person in this situation. She and Mr. Miller have been good to the Town of Lisbon in the past, donating land for walking paths, etc. They pay high taxes.
Have Eldridge and Lisbon Development Department really worked in her best interest to get the property sold and developed? Or has it been their intent to get their hands on the property, along with One Million Dollars?
I wonder if Mrs. Miller knows about the many meetings that have been held behind closed doors and in Executive sessions?
Enter the voters/taxpayers:
I believe the bond failed because of the town's lack of confidence and ability in Town Manager Eldridge's handling of our financial affairs. 
We have seen what he is capable of in the above cited incidences.
Case in point: When Town Manager Eldridge was hired the town had $3,000,000,
Three Million Dollars, in undesignated funds.
We have, at this writing, One Million, Seventy Six Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Two Dollars 
$1,076,332, in our undesignated funds.
We have roads that are in poor condition, the Transfer Station is shut down on Thursdays due to layoffs.
                                    WHERE IS THE MONEY??????? 
Dot Fitzgerald
A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen

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