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Friday, November 1, 2013

NaturalNews: Conscious AI, food riots and other fringe predictions for 2014 and beyond‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
It's the Friday after Halloween, so as you might expect, today's feature story is a little on the bizarre side.
I've put together a short list of fringe "what if" predictions for 2014 and beyond. They include food riots, the rise of conscious AI, China cyber attacks and much more.
Could any of this really happen?

According to reports, Obama has known for two months now that the launch of would be a disaster. But he tried to just "wing it" with clever talking:

Wow! Spirulina supplementation seems to improve academic performance in children:

Are you accidentally supporting companies that oppose GMO labeling? Make sure you aren't:

P.S. Michigan State University told me today they have suspended their online sales of laboratory equipment pending an internal investigation into how I managed to buy a massive amount of a deadly nerve-killing element from their website, which they shipped to me in a cardboard box via UPS, no questions asked!

More news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB broadcasts live from the New Hampshire Association for Naturopathic Doctors Conference and Dr. Frank King discusses the mal-illumination syndrome of winter. Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today from
- Learn the 10 symptoms of insulin resistance
- 4 natural tips to keep your body on track during daylight savings time
- Are you HOPING for a good future, or are you CREATING one?

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