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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting 11/19/13


At last night’s Town Council meeting, it was business as usual.  It was a short meeting and therefore there is little to report.

During Audience Participation there was a questions asked.  “What was the “Unfavorable Expenditure” and how much did it cost the town as mentioned by the Auditors in the annual audit?  But as usual the council did not provide an answer to the question.  As a matter of fact, Chairman LaRochelle NEVER answers any of my questions under Audience Participation Response.

All of the items under COUNCIL ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES were voted 7-0 on each. 

2013-173          E911 Road Name Change

2013-174          Route 196 Master Plan

2013-175          Finance Committee Ordinances (1st Reading)

2013-176          Supplemental Appropriation (2nd Reading)

The Finance Director, Mrs. Maloy, gave the monthly finance report.  Once she completed her report she moved to the situation on acquiring the Police Vehicles.  Mrs. Maloy tried to justify how the town is requiring taxpayers to pay more money by doing Lease to Purchase instead of paying outright for the vehicles.  Chief Brooks budgets for the current lease payment and the acquisition of new cars in the same budget.

Councilor Mason gave her farewell to the town after  7 years of service.  She has been a great asset to the Moxie Festival.

Council Chairman LaRochelle gave his farewell to the town.  His speech was filled with accusations of slander, and accusing me, Dottie Fitzgerald and Joe Hill of being bad influences on the town.  The three members mentioned have challenged the action of the Town Council and Town Manager on numerous occasions.  I thought that in a democracy, citizens had a right to their opinion. 

Larry Fillmore


Anonymous said...

If the parents of this group had only used condoms and that includes Brooks,Eldredge and Maloy how great it would be. Whale crap at best.

Gregg said...

Imagine that .. an anonymous and juvenile comment that provides no additional value to the information provided.

Anonymous said...

Imagine that useless councilor with no value .