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Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Former Lisbon Falls Resident Puts the "Hammer Down" On 'Dumb' Democrat Citizen's Rant

"If You Bought It, A Trucker Brought It"

The Wheels of Social Justice have been put in motion Mr. Bolduc and I use Mr. instead of Representative, because surely you do not represent the hard working dedicated Professional Truck Drivers of America, Maine, or Auburn areas.

You may be certified to teach Social Studies but in the eyes of  someone that has almost two million miles looking out thru the windshield of a Truck, {including Extreme Heavy Hauling Off Highway Trucks, and I have driven in all 50 states, (not 57 like some other Democrat public figure thinks), besides Canada and other foreign countries,} you have proven yourself to be worthy of being "certified" in other areas as well.

As far as your comment regarding "brains", perhaps now would be a good time for you to 'get a grip' on reality as life goes merrily rolling on. 
"Sometimes people are just too damned dumb to know that they are stupid."
I offer you the following advice in respect to my fellow Truckers in hopes it might 'grind' into your sole about gearing down your thoughts before you try to jamb them into the transmission of public opinion. And they go like this:

American Indian Proverb – Never criticize a man until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.

 I add the following with it, "before you can do that though, you must be willing to take yours off first."

It is my opinion that a letter of apology is just that, a letter, what someone like you needs is a "Damned Good Taste of Reality".  I am certain that there are many Truckers that would be very happy to give you a RIDE!!!   Do it if ever presented with the opportunity, you just might get an education that money or votes can't buy. Then you could take that experience back to Augusta and work it for the "People of Maine".

Todd Comber
aka "Smoke-Stack"

A retired truck driver with a Bachelor of Science degree,  a torn up body as proof, and a mind full of matter.

"If you don't mind, It won't matter!"

Editor's note:  The views and opined letters, comments, etc. do not necessarily represent those of all participants in this website but are offered as OUR right to FREE SPEECH, for as long as WE shall have it.

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