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Thursday, December 26, 2013

NaturalNews: Western Medicine Failing Globally as cancer rates rise‏, plus much more...

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The more countries that embrace western (reductionist) medicine, the worse global health becomes.
And now, the World Health Organization has announced that cancer rates are rising globally, providing yet more proof that western medicine is clueless when it comes to promoting good health and preventing diseases like cancer:

Speaking of cancer, don't miss this important talk on the "cancer hoax of the year"

Vaccine backfire: Whooping cough epidemics spread by children who were vaccinated against whooping cough:

Learn more about the amazing health benefits of Brussels sprouts:

More news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Are you ready for more CDC infectious disease fear-mongering? How about bariatric surgery for 2 year olds? Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- An introduction to organic farming
- Prescription stimulants are out of control on college campuses
- Top 3 supplements for emotional stability and focus

WHO: Cancer risk rising around the world; Western medicine failing globally
(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued dire new predictions about the spread of cancer throughout the world that prove the Western model of medicine to be a complete failure. Within the next 10 years, the public health arm of the...

Vaccine lies: Whooping cough outbreaks being triggered by vaccinated children
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Cancer hoax of the year gets busted
(NaturalNews) Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with some form of cancer and over 1,500 people die - every day. In the early 1900's, one in 20 people got cancer, and today that figure has grown to 1 in every three! Conventional medicine says...

The negative effects of excess protein
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Antibiotic era ending - Antimicrobial pecan shell extract can prevent Listeria contamination in organic meats
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The amazing health benefits of Brussels sprouts
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Missouri school district facing $150,000 cost increase over Obamacare
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The great central nervous system disruptors: MSG, aspartame and cigarettes
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Pentagon sends dead Marine home to his family with his heart organ gone
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