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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting December 3rd, 2013


On Tuesday night, the Town Clerk swore in the following individuals:

    Town Councilor – Christopher Brunelle
    Town Councilor – Eric Metivier
    Town Councilor – Roger Bickford

    School Board – Tracey Austin
    School Board – George Caron

    Water Commissioner – William Bauer

Also, the Town Council elected Lisa Ward as Chairman and Dillon Pesce as the Vice-Chair of the Town Council.


The and The Lisbon Reporter stand ready to support you in any manner we can.

During Audience Participation, there were three issues brought out.  One was to change the current Council Working Rules back to the way they were before Mrs. Pomelow’s rewrite and second was why in the Capital Improvement Plan the Police Department still had items that should have been purchased with the $71,750.78 Chief Brooks received from the Treasury Department.  Also, the council was asked about the people voting on the Municipal Budget.

During Audience Participation, Chairman Ward stated the Council Working Rules would remain as is unless the Council wanted to change them.  Town Manager Eldridge stated that the forfeiture money could not be used in lieu of operating costs.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances, Councilor Garrison asked the Council Working Rules be tabled until he has an opportunity to discuss an amendment he would like to propose.  I want to thank Councilor Garrison for having the courage to try and restore free speech to the people.  I trust Councilor Garrison to do the right thing.

During Other Business, the Town Manager presented the Town and School Capital Improvement Plan.  This plan had NOT been reviewed by the Finance Committee.  Steve Warren updated the council on the Trails Commission.   Town Manager Eldridge announced a Council Workshop on December 10th to discuss closing some roads.  He talked about Merry Main Street.  The Town Office will be closed on December 24th at noon for Christmas.

During Councilor Communication, Councilor Bickford announced that on the June ballot would be something about the people voting on the Municipal Budget.  This is a major step forward in this four year's issue still unresolved.

Larry Fillmore


Anonymous said...

Larry, is there a list posted of the roads that the town is looking to close? I found nothing on the town website.

False Deluder said...

We vote on EVERYTHING having to do with the school, but almost nothing having the Towns paws on it. I wonder why that is. Remind me again why we haven't had a forensic audit? It seems every time you turn around a town in maine that has gone under the microscope someone is brought up on charges. Makes you wonder. hmmmm