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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Where's The Money,,,going?-----------> Lisbon's Capital Improvement Plan


On the FY 2015 Town of Lisbon Capital Improvement Plan presented to the Town Council at last Tuesday’s meeting, was some very interesting items.  Under the Police Department were several items listed:

(click on to view or print)

Now on October 1, 2013 during the Town Council meeting Chief Brooks attempted to notify the town council of the receipt to the town of $71,750.78 received electronically from the Treasury Department as forfeiture money.  Below is an extract from the minutes of the council meeting detailing how this money could be utilized:

“Chief Brooks said the U.S. Department of Justice: Criminal Assets, Forfeiture, and Money Laundering section on equitable sharing by federal law enforcement states that equitable shared funds will be used for law enforcement purposes only. Permissible uses are law enforcement investigations, law enforcement training, law enforcement equipment, law enforcement and detention facilities, law enforcement travel and transportation, law enforcement awards and memorials, drug and gang education and awareness programs, matching funds and the list goes on.”

Having defined what this forfeiture money could be used for; why are the following items on the Capital Improvement Plan?  These are (1) the Animal Control Officer’s vehicle; (2) the Document Imaging Unit; (3) Mobile Radios (11); and finally (4) the Vater Radio  System.  All of these items are law enforcement equipment and qualify to be purchased with this $71,750.78 in forfeiture funds.  So this begs the question as to (1) why have Chief Brooks NOT ordered this equipment already and (2) why are these items on the FY 2015 Capital Improvement Plan?

Why should the taxpayers have to fund any of these items when they qualify as legal expenditures under the forfeiture program?

Larry Fillmore

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