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Thursday, January 16, 2014

BrasscheckTV: The hero you've never heard of‏ (Mark Pittman 1957-2009)

He predicted the 2008 Crash in vivid detail. 
He explained that this would not be a normal downturn
and why and how the banks were responsible. 
He sued the Federal Reserve - the first person ever to
do so in history - and won access to data they fought
tooth and nail not to disclose to the public. 
And he passed away at 52.
- Brasscheck

Mark Pittman (1957-2009)
Dead at 52 after successfully suing the Federal Reserve

The hero no one talks about
Keep in mind that Pittman’s analysis was delivered six months before the market collapse in the fall of 2008.

Why is it that the financial news (especially Fox and CNBC) has time for every idiot with an opinion regardless of how loopy, but few people have ever heard of Mark Pittman?

Pittman was the first person in history to sue the Federal Reserve (along with his employer Bloomberg News.)

He won - and you never heard of him.


- See more at:

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