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Friday, January 10, 2014

Governmental Snooping, Violation of First and Fourth Amendment Rights OR All? BrasscheckTV: Your address book belongs to the NSA‏

The revelations just keep coming...
If you use one of the big e-mail providers
and maintain an address book - and that's
pretty much everybody - the NSA has helped
itself to your address book. 
Here's how they did it. 
- Brasscheck

 NSA: “We’re doing it ethically”
The revelations just keep coming...

Missing from this report - and many other news reports - is this:

Because of the way the Internet works, your personal e-mail traffic may be processed outside of the US. Once that is done, your mail is now “foreign” and subject to anything the government wants to do.

So the domestic/foreign distinction is completely bogus and the apologists from Obama on down know it.

 NSA stealing e-mail contact lists too
The revelations just keep coming

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