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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

GOPDD: Snippets For Today

This Humble Trash Collector Did Something to an American Flag That Made Him a Hero

by clyde
By Emily Hulsey An Oregon garbage collector was just going through his route when he saw that an American flag had been blown off its pole and scattered across a trash can. While he could have just ignored it, he instead stopped what he was doing, properly folded the flag like he’d learned to do […]

Obama Would Rather Fund Food Stamps Than the Military

by sophia
By Greg Richter and Cathy Burke The military cuts announced Monday by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will hurt future presidents' ability to protect the country, says former Vice President Dick Cheney. "I've obviously not been a strong supporter of Barack Obama, but this really is over the top. It does enormous long-term damage to our […]

Ted Nugent likens ACA to Nazi Germany

by sophia
By TAL KOPAN After last week apologizing for comments calling the president a “subhuman mongrel,” Ted Nugent on Monday attacked the administration for what he called similarities to Nazi Germany. The rocker and gun rights activist defended some of his past remarks on Monday on Dennis Miller’s radio show, days after apologizing for using the […]

Bill De Blasio Makes Excuses For Speeding, Running Stop Signs In Residential Neighborhood

by sophia
After three days and running out of a press conference like a scorned child, Bill de Blasio is back and this time he’s prepared excuses. Via NY Times: Addressing a City Hall press corps that had made much of his reticence after a television news report showed his S.U.V. speeding and driving through stop signs […]

Mooch Bans Schools From Using Unhealthy Food In Ads…

by sophia
Not to be outdone by her husband’s decrees. Via TIME: The Obama administration laid out new restrictions on the marketing of junk food and sugary drinks in schools on Tuesday. The new rules from the White House and the Department of Agriculture prohibit advertisements for unhealthy foods on school campuses during the school day, including sugary drinks […]

Obama’s ‘Voter ID’ Scam is Busted: Grounds for Impeachment!

by clyde
(by Wayne Allyn Root via TheBlaze) -- Folks, we are being scammed. Democrats are winning elections through what appears to be massive voter fraud. There is a saying, “He with the gold rules.” Well, whoever wins elections has the gold. The winner has the power to change everything - so they rule. It doesn’t matter […]

[Watch] Veteran Shreds Smug Arrogant Libs in Gun Debate

by Rick Wells
Veteran Kevin Tully defended the second amendment at a “Chicago-area forum on guns this past Sunday. After enduring all he could, which included a liberal bashing of the second amendment and comparisons of the NRA to a Chihuahua as well as gun shows to Nazis, Tully spoke up. The forum had been publicized as being […]

RUSH WAS RIGHT: Obama Aims To Reduce The Power And The Glory Of The United States

by clyde

Rep Joe Wilson Was Right- 125,000 ILLEGAL Immigrants Eligible for Benefits Under Obamacare

by Dylan
Obama is Serial Liar.  Back in 2009, Rep Joe Wilson (R-SC) famously called attention to himself while calling attention to the falsehoods coming from the mouth of the newly elected B. Hussein Obama. In response to the claims that obamacare would not be provide coverage to illegal aliens, Wilson shouted out “You lie!” Of course […]

Gov. Jindal speaks truth at White House; Democrats horrified!

by clyde
(GOPUSA) -- The nation's governor's emerged from a meeting with President Barack Obama Monday claiming harmony, only to immediately break into an on-camera partisan feud in front of the West Wing. Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal lashed out first, saying if Obama were serious about growing the economy he would approve the Keystone XL pipeline […]

O’Reilly on Benghazi: The Crime is the Cover Up

by clyde
Benghazi matters because the White House lied about it Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

Trey Gowdy as House Speaker, Replace the Silent Boehner, Obama’s Stealth Weapon

by Rick Wells
              Stumblin and bumblin, Boehner struggles through a speech that he seems to be seeing for the first time and covering material which is news to him. Although he takes credit for forcing the release of documents, he’s not very convincing in his delivery. At :26 Boehner takes credit […]

Connecticut Gun Confiscation Letters in the Mail to New “Constitution Felons”

by Rick Wells
The definition of infringement is different in Connecticut where the state legislature last year passed their “high capacity” magazine (over 10 round capacity) and semi-automatic rifle legislation. Those who already owned the newly illegal weaponry were allowed to keep them, provided they registered with the state. The reality has proven to be quite a slap […]

President tells liberal activists their efforts to combat Republicans and enroll people in Obamacare is ‘God’s work’

by clyde

GOP attorneys general UNLOAD on Holder after AG says to ignore law

by clyde
by Neil Munro Mainstream and conservative lawyers are slamming Attorney General Eric Holder’s call for state law enforcement officers to ignore state constitutions’ marriage rules. Holder’s claim is bizarre, preposterous, unprecedented, lawless and political, his critics say. Holder claimed that the new idea of same-sex marriage is so obviously constitutional that state attorneys general should […]

Report: IRS Warns Americans about the ObamaCare “Shared Responsibility Payment”; Coming in 2015

by sophia
By Brian This is what we all have to look forward to – the IRS’s forcing Americans to prove they have health coverage in every month of 2014, or pay a “Shared Responsibility Payment” on their tax return filed in 2015. Once Americans have to jump through this hoop next year, and every year thereafter, […]

(Must Watch) Hillary Clinton Obama Will Be Assasinated

by clyde

[Watch] Obama Tells Supporters Doing His Work is “Doing God’s Work”

by Rick Wells
B. Hussein Obama thinks of himself in quite lofty terms, as his body language and position of his nostrils during his speeches often unmistakably demonstrate. He took that high opinion of himself to a whole new level in recent remarks to his “faithful” in a gathering in which he addressed his base organization, Organizing for […]

Issa Calling Lois Lerner Back To Hearings, This Time She’d Better Talk

by Rick Wells
A lot has been revealed regarding the IRS scandals since Lois Lerner took the Fifth Amendment last May and refused to comment beyond an opening statement. The extent of the abuse has become more firmly established and the efforts to cover it up are more apparent. Many of those efforts involve Ms Lerner. House Oversight […]

Obamacare Drops Bombshell Unable To Verify Barack Obama’s Identity…

by Dylan
(By Jerome R. Corsi, WND) The White House appears to have dropped a bombshell when it explained to the press why White House staff in Washington enrolled President Obama in Obamacare instead of Obama himself. Officials said it was because could not verify Obama’s identity. Here is what Ed Henry, Fox News White House […]

50 Percent Of Democrats Think Congress Should Continue Investigating Benghazi

by clyde
By Joseph R. Carducci Benghazi happened more than one year ago. Still, there has been no resolution to this. The liberals in Congress and in the Obama Regime are trying to push this under the rug. Many of them are claiming things like this is a ‘non-story,’ or that it is a tragedy rather a […]

Trey Gowdy: I get tougher questions at a Bojangles drive-thru than NBC’s David Gregory asked of Susan Rice

by Dylan

Sebelius slashes Obamcare enrollment expectations, blames CBO [VIDEO]

by clyde
by Brendan Bordelon Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius lowered the bar on expected Obamcare enrollments by March 31, contradicting her pre-rollout support of a 7 million signup estimate by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Sebelius appeared Tuesday on a “Huffington Post Live” interview moderated by Marc Lamont Hill, who asked the secretary about […]

[Listen] Rush Limbaugh: Left Permits Religious Considerations Only For Muslims

by Rick Wells
Rush Limbaugh covers the Arizona governor’s upcoming decision as to whether or not to sign or veto the bill which would recognize an individual business owner’s right to not serve particular customers, specifically homosexuals, when to do so would violate their religious beliefs. Limbaugh makes the point that it is only acceptable for the left […]


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