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Monday, March 3, 2014

Confused? Me too.‏

* = Former Town Councilors.

These folks put us in the position we are in.  Why are they making recommendations on financial issues?

Albert Einstein said it best.  "Insanity--Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Lisa Ward-Chair
Term Expires - 2014
Phone: 207-353-7306
Location: 31 Maple Street
Lisbon Falls, ME  04252
Dillon Pesce, Council Liaison
Cellphone: (207)577-4222
Dillon Pesce-Vice Chair
District- 2
Term expires - 2015
Cellphone: 577-4222
Location: 20 Hewey Street
Lisbon Falls, ME  04252
Miriam Morgan-Alexander- Chair
2-year term expires 6/30/2015
Phone: (207)353-2528

Can't find an address.
Gregg Garrison
District - At Large
Term expires 2015
Phone: 353-2547
Location: 9 Pike Street
Lisbon Falls, ME  04252
Christopher Rugullies
2-year term expires 6/30/2015
Phone: (207)353-9997

Can't find an address.
Chris Brunelle
Term Expires 2016
District - At Large
Phone: 353-4430
Location: 328 Lisbon Street
Lisbon, ME  04250
Norma Wells
3-year term expires 6/30/2016
Phone: (207)353-5431

Can't find an address.
Mark Lunt
District - 1
Term Expires - 2015
Phone: 353-9903
Location: 192 Ridge Road
Lisbon Falls, ME  04252
Fern Larochelle
Term expires 6/30/2014
140 Main St.
Lisbon Falls, Maine 04252 (*Business Address)
Phone: 353-2329
Eric Metivier
Term Expires - 2016
District - 1
Phone: 353-5939
Location: 277 A Lisbon Street
Lisbon, ME  04250
Charles Smith
3-year term expires 6/30/2016
279 Main St
Lisbon Falls, ME 04252
Phone: (207)353-8105
Roger Bickford
District - 2
Term Expires - 2016
Phone: 353-8946
Location: 149 Main Street
Lisbon Falls, ME  04252
Lori Pomelow
10 Scottsdale Ave
Lisbon, ME 04252
Phone: 353-8822

Term expiration not posted on Town website.

* Michael Bowie
Phone: 353-2607

Term expiration not posted on Town website.

Submitted by: 'False Deluder'


Larry Fillmore said...

False Deluder - Apparently you do not understand the "Good Old Boys" network. Once we exposed these former councilors, they were receiving too much flack so they stepped down to the Finance Committee. There is less limelight but can continue to protect the Police Departments budget. This is what happens when the elected Budget Advisory Committee was changed to a handpicked Finance Committee. We must get rid of the "Good Old Boys" network and their flunkies.

False Deluder said...

I think, once pointed out, and the council who appoints them are ridiculed for putting them there, there could be change. Also, with a strong Town Manager, things will come to light and quashed. Well, that is the hope anyway.

False Deluder said...

...especially since it was brought to light what a horrible job they were actually doing. ...or in their case not doing. (see cable fees.)