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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Recap Eaton Peabody Public Meeting‏


Last night, Mr. Don Gerrish, from Eaton Peabody Consulting, facilitated an informal gathering of residents of Lisbon.  This included two Councilors – Dillon Pesce and Eric Metivier.  The purpose of the meeting was to get an idea of what the people want to see in their new Town Manager.

Approximately twenty residents provided input.  I am going to try and list their suggestions below.  Please understand they are not in any order or priority; also some people asked that the new Town Manager be a CEO/Business Oriented/ or other terms that mean the same.

  1. 1.     People Person
    2.     Reside in town
    3.     Public Relations experience
    4.     CEO
    5.     Visionary
    6.     Look for Long Term Desires
    7.     Tax Base
    8.     Marketing
    9.     History of Integrity
    10.   Sound Communication skills
    11.     Be well organized
    12.     Transparency in Government
    13.       Strong Financial Background

There were numerous other but fell into one of the categories above.

Mr. Gerrish provided a brief outline of the events to follow:

1.      Next, the same type meeting with Department Heads
2.     Monday meeting with the Council to decide what they    are looking for.
3.     Prepare an advertisement to go out.
4.     Review candidates resume.
5.     Narrow the candidates down to 3 to 5 for the Council to review.
6.     Perform background check on the finalists.
7.     Hold an informal gathering for the people to meet the candidate.
8.     Prepare a three year contract on the individual selected.
9.     Completed process will be done no later than May 20, 2014.
10.            Remember the candidate will NOT take over for 30-45 days.

It was an excellent meeting and very constructive.  The people and Mr. Gerrish learned a lot.

Larry Fillmore

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