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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting & Workshop March 18, 2014


At last night's Town Council meeting, it was different.  Two residents complained about the Chairman of the Trails Commission coming on to their property unannounced and trying to get them to buy into different projects involving their privately owned land.   One of the residents asked the council to remove him as Chairman of the Trails Commission but no action was taken at this time.

Under Council Order, Resolutions & Ordinances, there were three items on the agenda.  The first was a short discussion about the Trails Commission which ended with no action being taken.  Second, Chief Brooks presented to the council a form sent by the state for approval to accept $983.00 in forfeiture funds.  The Council approved this with a vote of 7-0.  Finally, the Town Clerk presented bids for the publishing of the Annual Town Report.  The Council approved the bid from Xpress Copy for $1,126.00 by a vote of 7-0.

Under Other Business, the Finance Director provided the council with her monthly report.

Under New Business there were four questions asked.  The first about the fire at the town garage and what was being done to fix this and had anyone given any thought to building a new facility.  The Interim Town Manager provided an excellent and in-depth briefing on where the town is on the negotiations with the insurance company.   

 Next, the question was asked about providing information about the Maine Human Rights Commission.  The response was that no details could be released because it involves a personnel issue.  Also the question was asked as to the current status of the litigation on the $32,500.  The Council will find out the answer.  

 Finally, the question was asked as to why the people have not been allowed to vote on the Municipal Budget since 2008.  A Referendum Question was asked if the people wanted to vote on the Municipal Budget in November 2011 and the results were 2025 Yes and 514 No.  According to Chairwoman Ward, this question was asked 77 times and answered 77 times.  Also, there are a lot of work needs to be done on rewriting the Charter in order to make this happen.   You would think that since 2011 would have been plenty of time to work out all of the details necessary to give the people what they want.

Next, the Council adjourned and move into a Workshop.  The Interim Town Manager provided a briefing on the 2014-2015 Municipal Budget.  Also, the following departments gave their budgets:  Finance/Tax ; Town Clerk; Town Manager; Codes/Assessing and Economic & Community Development.  It is my understanding these slides along with the proposed 2014-2015 Municipal Budget will be posted to the town web site shortly.

Larry Fillmore

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