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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Maine Wire: “Did FOX’s Eric Bolling school Jon Stewart with The Maine Wire’s welfare data?” plus 3 more‏

    Did FOX’s Eric Bolling school Jon Stewart with The Maine Wire’s welfare data?
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 12:05 PM PDT
    Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart blasted Fox News for reporting on welfare abuse. For Stewart, it is beyond the pale to suggest welfare is spent on anything other than food. Fox News host Eric Bolling jabbed back at Stewart by citing reports of welfare cash being spent on alcohol and strip clubs. Technically, Stewart and Bolling are […]
    9 mysterious facts about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 09:44 AM PDT
    Since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mysteriously vanished over the Indian Ocean, investigators have uncovered little to suggest why. The Internet has responded with numerous conspiracy theories, but no one really knows what happened. Where is the plane? Its passengers? Why did it disappear without a trace? Here are 9 odd facts about the missing flight, […]
    Daily Catch: Alfond’s odd thoughts on jobs, Dems’ fuzzy math, tax breaks for the rich, and more…
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 09:33 AM PDT
    Solidarity: It’s common knowledge that Maine Democrats march in lockstep with labor unions. But Senate President Justin Alfond (D-Portland) showed just how strong that commitment really is on Tuesday morning when he told Ric Tyler he’d rather Maine workers remain unemployed than take a job that doesn’t require them to pay fees to a union. […]
    Top Maine Democrat would rather have no jobs than workplace freedom
    Posted: 11 Mar 2014 07:55 AM PDT
    The top Democrat in the Maine Senate espoused a controversial idea regarding employment on Tuesday morning’s broadcast of WVOM’s George Hale and Ric Tyler Show. The exchange came about is regard to Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s proposed Open for Business Zones (OFBZ). The zones would be located at the now-defunct Loring Air Force base in […]

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